The river of names Geographic Location in Known Universe | World Anvil
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The river of names

The longest river in the Ninth World of Grista runs through the Continent and doesn't belong to any of the countries. If anything, some consider it its own country, but everyone is allowed to travel in its waters and exploit its resources.   Every two days a ferry starts the trip from the Wrinkled Valley to the coast, while another begins to travel in the opposite route. They stop in the stations in all of the villages and towns along the river. Most travelers prefer to use this transport.  

The villages

They seem perfectly ordinary settlements. Some more welcoming than others, but all friendly in their own way. The ferry stations aren't often part of the villages, and it's totally possible to travel trough the river or visit it for entertainment, research, business or any other reasons, without ever meeting anyone in the villages.   Those who decide to visit a village, or use the resources or the ferry stations that are inside of a town, may leave without ever knowing about the peculiarity they all have in common. Is not a secret, but people don't usually notice that everybody in each village shares a name. The village name.   While other communities are connected by beliefs, history, race or similar qualities, each of the settlements near the river is build around a name. Because the inhabitants come from different places and cultures, some may show different spells or variations, while others give the word a different meaning.


The widest river in the Ninth planet, this twisting waterway exists in the same proportions in every plane, which is considered an anomaly.   In the ninth world, it lies in the middle of the main continent. It is one of the few rivers there, and gets water from many underground currents, not all of them known, and it becomes wider and wider on it's path.   It's particularly deep in the Wrinkled Valley. Only a few hills and mountains are close to the river, including the Isle of Lone fishers which is a plateau around which the river runs in two branches, and the legendary Bridge which the river passes through.


The river is surrounded by forests that vary according to the soil, height, magic and weather among other circumstances.   In several regions, especially in some of the villages, the impact of neighboring human settlements is evident, while others are totally free of human activities.

Natural Resources

While it doesn't carry any special metal, there are plenty of plants and animals that can't be find in any other place of the Ninth World (or in the universe), but the permanent exploitation of those resources is usually in the hands of the villagers settled near the river.   Some wizard tribes visit the river looking for magic, and the artists come for inspiration, but more than anything, it's an important source of water and energy for the whole continent.


Traveling Magic
Every kind of magic used to teleport shows its own kind of failing or secondary effects in the river and close territories. In some cases they will appear in an unexpected location, other spells bring the traveler to the closest area to their target that is out of the river's disturbance. Other magical arts may hurt either the wielder or the people in the area.   Even the 'Nidauvie' are affected, and their attempts to travel into or from the area always take them to the wrong place and get them soaked.   While the magic from the Thirteen World is immune to this unexplained effect, any other kinds of gesture magic fail like the rest.  
This river is the biggest geographic area that is exactly the same in every known plane.
Ninth World of Grista
  Map designed by Escritora Novata, using Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator.


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May 24, 2022 17:12 by Michael Chandra

A river that's the same in every plane? And it sabotages offensive magic?? That sounds frickin' awesome and scary at the same time!

Too low they build who build beneath the stars - Edward Young
May 24, 2022 22:22

I'm glad to read that. It should have a nice contrast with the peaceful, uneventful life in the village I'm planning to describe.

May 27, 2022 10:37

Sounds like an interesting river with all the mystery surrounding it! Kind of funny how often people who try to teleport there end up wet :p

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
May 30, 2022 19:30

One would expect they stop trying but I guess they like the water :D Thanks for the comment.

Jun 3, 2022 19:33

This is really cool! Everyone in a village sharing a name is a fascinating detail. The river being a fixed point in every plane is a good source of mystery. Great work!

Jun 6, 2022 00:36

There is a short story in plans about the names detail :) Thanks for reading and commenting!

May 29, 2024 16:36 by Marjorie Ariel

I particularly like the detail of all the villages along the river being centered on a name that everyone shares (though it sounds like it might be hard for an outsider to navigate one such village!)

Check out Natural Magic : a coming of age fantasy novel, because life is hard enough when you're fourteen, even without saving the world. Or listen to it in podcast form .
Jun 1, 2024 15:30

It would definitely would be a challenge. :)