Rage // Rampage Spell in Kingsmaker | World Anvil

Rage // Rampage

"Many magic abilities are a risk to have around. Especially the following few are barely noticeable and mess with you personally. Be it Fear, Love or even the contagious power of shared Emotions. They all force us to do stuff we usually wouldn't want to. But there is one school above them all, used since ancient times to rally discord and wars via infiltrating groups. The power of spreading infective rage couldn't be more concerning. Place one of these Saevages amongst a cheering group and their active presence causes them sooner or later to lynch the person they cheer for in fanatic blind rage. Just like the late emperor of Northwatch got torn to shreds at his crowning ceremony."

Powers in need of visual indicators (4765)

Emotions are a strong weapon and come with a baggage of responsibilities to wield. Out of all magic abilities is the batch, which allows sorcerers to manipulate the responses of others the most looked down upon. Saevages especially suffer from this skewed view on their abilities given there are essentially two ways one can make use of it, with the more known being quite a bit more sinister than the other.

Rage // Growth

Most Saevages, who don't want to use their magic for rotten purposes go the way of the buff-mage. They either strip their magic of any infectious might and concentrate it within, or share the boons with their allies while blocking access to the magic of their enemies.
Putting one's body into a magical frenzy comes with quite a few buffs to the mage's abilities. Given their magic boils down to initiating that state can they shrug off the obvious downside of not being able to cast further spells. Giving in to the hot anger raises the circulation of blood, heightens the body temperature and boosts all reflexes. A berserking Saevage is a menace, fueled by power and able to shrug off pain till the effect passes.
When shared with allies the boosting effect is considerably weaker given they do have not their body optimized to hold the power by the active symbiosis. It is however still a powerful boost, especially when the magic reserves are already spent.

Anger // Outcry

The crowing of emperor Seratoth of Northwatch should have been the event of the century. Finally a shift to constitutional monarchy from the former absolutism. But not everyone was happy with the shift, especially a few supporters of the late emperor. Saevages were mixed amongst the cheering crowd, set up to spread their infectious emotions. What started as shouts of fake happiness and praise gradually shifted into zealot outcries of rage and unfiltered truth as rage took over the inhibitions of the people, letting them embrace their unhappiness with the emperor. The spores of four agents of chaos kickstarted the event that would be immortalized in the history books as the 'crowning execution'.

As an ability is rage quite beloved amongst anarchists or fanatic followers. The infectious spores the Saevage spreads when imbued by their own power can imbue people with the seed of rage and anger. Spread amongst exctatic people the effect happens however almost immediately ending a fest in an indiscriminate bloodbath.
While these drastic usages of such frightening powers do happen occasionally the Saevages, who are not about to commit several war crimes, utilize these spores to get verbal advantages, force out the truth in discussion by digging out the unfiltered emotions. A possible usage of this technique would be the interrogation of already fuming criminals, as a means for a legal truth serum.
Other usages of the spores can be found as a supplement for the effects of Zabrit to nullify any close-combat magic happening around the caster. Such an additional effect makes a Saevage Berserker an even more formidable opponent.
Aquired Through
Symbiosis with a -todo-
General Name
Related School
Rare manifestation of the gate of summer
Related Element
Strong association to the fire element / Strong association to the earth element
Effect Duration
Depends on the mental fortitude of the target.
Effect Casting Time
Like fueling a spark to ignition
Blind rage has far-reaching consequences

Physical Alterations

Self-inflicted Rage can boost a vast array of skills. Skills, which need a resistant body to function properly. The symbiosis comes therefore with numerous subtle mutations to the caster's body. Based on the fact that Rage is part of the Gate of Summer, and therefore fire-related, Saevages have considerably higher heat resistance, both on the surface, but as well deep down in their guts, blood vessels and whatnot. Falling into a state of rage boosts all body functions to slightly superhuman degrees and these mutations help in the matter to preserve the integrity of the caster. On top of that have these mages a decently high pain tolerance, which is crucial to withstand their own power using it effectively.


One of the very first things a Saevage learns from their spiritual companion is the fact, that only they themselves can withstand the full capabilities of the aggrevated anger state. It is an ill-advised action to attempt to cause one's allies to taste the full quantities of the spread spores. While breathing in the initiator is harmless in the afterglow, an overdose of the raging spores can cause the target to burn out from the inside, as the blazing rage overtakes them and cooks their innards. Therefore only advanced and trained sorcerers should try to boost their allies or harm their enemies in a non-lethal way.
"Cause of death:
Spontanous combustion. No skin damage.
That narrows the culprit down."

Crime scene

Cover image: by Vertixico


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Dec 30, 2023 17:29

Fascinating and at the same time evil concept. You'd rather not end up with an angry Saevage.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.

Psst join the Copper-Party during Summer Camp 2024 and I would be very happy if you would celebrate my SC contributions with me.
Jan 26, 2024 06:11 by Michael Johnson

Oh my! I would never have contemplated barbarian rage for magic users. It is a very scary thought but a cool concept. It feels like it can overrun the caster and burn through more mundane beings, making it extra dangerous.   I'm a bit curious about the cadence and construction of your writing. It threw me off at first, but now I'm just wondering at its origin (if that's not too personal).

February brings the Cabinet of Curiosities 2024! January had my New Year's Resolutions 2024.
Jan 26, 2024 13:12 by Soulwing

My english is sadly not the best given the fact I am writing in a language foreign to myself. I am german.

Creator, artist and writer of the science fantasy world Kingsmaker.