Lunar Polyp Species in Ethnis | World Anvil

Lunar Polyp

Lunar Polyps are a family of polyps which have a meaningful sensitivity to the Jhoutaioan moons of Ansang and Leuka. They are further divided into Ansangi and Leukan subtypes, depending on the scientist who classified them or the way they interact with the moons.

Some polyps use the gravity of the moon to guide an internal clock, while others rely on its light. Others still are sensitive to the radio wave radiation of Leuka while others respond to the ultraviolet bombardment of Ansang.

You'll sooner remember the names of all the worlds than half of half of all the lunar polyps growing in your area.

— An excited polyp biologist


Genetic Ancestor(s)


By no means an exhaustive list.

Singrata's Fountain

A towering polyp with anvil-shaped bells forming wide canopy, fountains store water for months at a time and release it whenever there is a prolonged drought and Ansang is in waning.

Desert Ice

During the dawn after the waxing of Ansang, desert ice—named for its icicle appearance—extends tendrils from beneath its shaded overhangs to cast spores into the night. The morning warmth carries it high into the air, where it may drift for hundreds of miles.

Unblinking Eye

Named for the eyeshine-like reflective glow of the tapetum lucidum in its bell, Unblinking Eyes dot rock faces and cliffs, opening whenever the light of Ansang shines upon them.

Corrosive Pearl

By the ultraviolet glow of Leuka, The spheroid fruits of the Corrosive Pearl glow with a vibrant palette of gold and red. When ripe, the moonlight triggers a volatile reaction, rupturing the casings and sending clouds of corrosive spores into the air.

Leuka's Candy

Leuka's Candy produces a fruit which only ripens under a double full moon. Swallowing the fruit's seeds produces a euphoric, emotional high. To test the seeds put them in alkaline water—if they turn into useless mush, it's Leuka's Candy, otherwise it's Ansang's Candy.

Ansang's Candy

Ansang's Candy is visually indistinguishable from Leuka's Candy. When consumed, the seeds sprout inside the host and begin to spore, releasing nerve agents which inflame the brain and trigger violent behavior. With Khirmagne, these spores then line their saliva and may be further spread.


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Oct 13, 2021 11:08 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love all the different varities of polyps. The excited polyp biologist sounds like me. XD

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