Getting Started in Zephyr

  The Zephyr - Tales from the Void RPG more than just a campaign setting, it is also a series of expanded rules and updates to 5th Edition that will bring dieselpunk to life in your game.  
  • More speed in combat with rules for vehicles and aerocraft
  • More excitement with an entirely new system for running big events - called Trials
  • More grit with unforgiving combat rules including gunfights and aethertech weapons
  • More corruption with amoral, ultra powerful syndicates and cosmic evil all in one setting

  • Rules & Mechanics
    Details information about some optional and some strongly encouraged new rules that bring your game to life. This includes things like edge which assumes your agent is using his experience and smarts to avoid getting shot a dozen times - as opposed to hit points that encourage the idea that adventurers are taking a literal trashing in combat.   Geography & Maps
    Take a look at the main continent of Eryphir, along with some maps of the other continents of Baennor. Eryphir itself is huge, spanning some 11,000 miles from east to west, and over 3,000 miles north to south! There are plenty of opportunities for a unique and exciting experience in one of any of the millions of interesting locations!   Conditions & Treatment
    Getting hurt in Zephyr - Tales from the Void is a little bit more dangerous than your average RPG. Clerics, while once commonplace around Baennor, are now rarely seen. Those that are still practicing worship of their Gods have had their powers significantly diminished since their ties were severed with the creation of the Void deminplane.   Today, getting treatment for your wounds can be time consuming and expensive. Medics can help, but truly serious conditions can take an agent out of action in a hurry. The best way to avoid these predicaments is to be cautious and take cover when the shit hits the fan!   Definitions & Terms
    There is a lot to unpack in Zephyr - Tales from the Void and much of that starts with understanding the terminology! Check out this ever-expanding list of terms commonly used in this setting.


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