Conditions & Treatment in Strange & Grim - OLD | World Anvil

Conditions & Treatment


Due to the nature of combat in Zephyr - Tales from the Void, there are some additional and supplementary conditions included that better help define the particular state of any creature in combat. In addition to the standard 5th Edition conditions, below are a few more conditions to consider during combat.   New Combat Conditions   Catatonic. When a creature reaches 0 Charisma, they go into a babbling, incoherent state. This effectively makes them catatonic and unable to interact with their environment at all until treated (see Treating Conditions). They are considered incapacitated and are unable to take Actions or Reactions.
Comatose. A target reaching 0 Wisdom is considered comatose. They are afflicted with an Indefinite Madness and are unconscious until treated (see Treating Condition).
Dead. While not a "new" condition, per se, Zephyr treats death as a "condition" that is applied to targets who have been reduced to 0 Constitution. It is worth noting here that it is separate from "comatose" or "catatonic" which are conditions applied when reaching 0 Wisdom or Charisma, respectively. A creature with the Dead condition is unable to act, react, respond, or perform any action. Dead creatures do not respond to attempts to heal or revive them. A creature that is not treated (see Treating Conditions) within 1d4 + Con modifier minutes will be permanently slain.
Prepared. An attacker with the prepared condition is set in their position and ready to attack with a ranged attack. Approaching a prepared position gives that prepared attacker 1 free attack action with their ranged weapon or thrown weapon attack. Prepared can be countered by suppression (see the Suppress weapon trait).
Treating Conditions Medics are your best bet when attempting battlefield triage. With the right skills and kit, a medic can effectively remove many combat conditions before they become a problem. For other conditions that cannot be treated by the medic, a hospital and time are required.


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