Aether Constructs in Strange & Grim - OLD | World Anvil

Aether Constructs

Two very different cogs (an artisan and a sentinel) serving entirely different functions in the Commonwealth.   Click This Link for a Look at the Concept Board for Cogs on Pintrest   The most common Aether Constructs found in Void are Sprites and Daemons. They are created by aetherists in order to navigate, search, and manipulate Void. A sprite might be used to investigate a weft, snuff out a light on the Prime, or send a message to someone nearby. The utility for simple tasks is nearly endless. Daemons, on the other hand, are far more powerful. They may be used for potent or longer lasting effects that often appear more "spell-like". A daemon might be used to craft a fireball, for example.   While these sprites and daemons have enabled huge leaps forward in technology, they are not the only constructs floating around the Voidsphere. Orbs and aedolons are aether constructs crafted by dwimmersmiths. They are typically used during the crafting of items, devices, cog, and even vehicles.   Orbs are simple spirit constructs, usually no bigger than a daonni fist. They are able to manifest on command for various periods of time depending upon the power of the creature. An orb may be tasked with holding a lock closed, or serving as an watcher over a certain location, transmitting what it sees through Void back to its creator. More can be found here [link] on Orb constructs.  
A cog is any physical construct that has been magically crafted to house an artificial Void construct   On the other hand, aedolons are created to inhabit other things in order to animate them. There are certainly temporary vessels that a dwimmerist might create to serve a single purpose, but far more often, more permanent shells, called cogs, are created for an aedolon. There are cogs that serve as couriers, pilots, laborers, attendants, translators, and any other number of tasks useful in day-to-day life.   Dalnesium Spheres While the dwearh, in general, were responsible for creating the cogs, it was one specific dwimmerist dwearh named Dr. Dalston, in Rynmark, who invented the housing which enables the aedolon spirit to inhabit each cog. These spherical devices are made from an element discovered by Dr. Dalston which he named "Dalnesium". The dalnesium sphere is embedded within each cog and provides a conduit to the Prime from Void. When a navigator spirit is created, they are drawn into the dalnesium sphere and bound to it. In doing so, they gain control over the cog in which they reside. This binding usually takes around 12-hours, but can be accelerated by particularly skilled dwimmersmiths.   Physical Description   Cogs have a very wide variety forms. Since the original designs created by the dwearh, Dr. Dalston, were released to the public, several other companies and trade syndicates have created their own specific varieties in order to fulfill their needs. In general, however, cogs share several characteristics across all of the designs. All cogs have an aedolons construct embedded within them; all cogs are designed for a specific task, or set of tasks - very few, if any, cogs are truly well-rounded machines.   All cogs have some form of locomotion (If a particularly powerful aedolons is embedded in a stationary device, or large vessel (such as a ship or a building), they are instead referred to as a terminus). Finally, all cogs a considered twofold, or a being that can interact and be interacted with on both the Prime and in Void.  
  Society   Cogs are machines inhabited by a magical construct. While the aedolon can develop a personality over time, they do not typically see themselves as anything more than the executor of the task for which they were created. A cog created to inventory large warehouses will normally show an interest in tasks and skills associated with counting and tracking things.   Cogs will interact with others (including other cogs), within the limits of their design and purpose, but do not typically develop bonds with them.   Relations   Daonni and dwearh are tolerant of cogs, but many other races are not. The older races like the aos si, boggarts, and hobs are exceedingly leery of cogs. Everything about the artificial creatures is an abhorrent to the feyborn. Among the daonni and dwearh, a personal cog may be treated with the familiarity one my give to a house pet or livestock. However, among the feyborn they are almost always completely ignored unless forced to interact. To the goblinoid races, like the wogan, the cogs are a curiosity. They are often seen as something to pick over and perhaps even take apart. Many wogan who have had long standing relationships with the West consider cogs to be, at best, a form of slavery, and at worst, a lost spirit trapped inside an artificial being against their will.  

Example Cogs

Tick, Cog

Tiny construct (cog), neutral
Armor Class: 15 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points: 8
Speed: 30 ft , fly: 0 ft , burrow: 0 ft , swim: 0 ft , climb: 30 ft


8 -1


20 +5


15 +2


8 -1


10 +0


2 -4

Saving Throws: Dexterity
Skills: Stealth +7, Acrobatics +7
Damage Immunities: Poison, psychic
Condition Immunities: Blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, paralysed, petrified, and poisoned
Senses: Darkvision 60', Tremorsense 20', passive Perception 10
Languages: Cog, also understands Common

Spell Casting Ability: Dexterity (+5), Spell Attack Bonus +7

At will: Poison Spray (Cantrip), DC 13

Poison Spike (Recharge 5-6). When the tick hits with its needle attack, it may cast Poison Spray as a bonus action, but affecting only the target it hit.


Needle. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit 1d20+7 , reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d4 -1) 1d4-1 bludgeoning damage.

The tick cog is a tiny cog, about the size of of a daonni fist. The creature has all the appearance of a mechanical spider, but with six legs. Multi-faceted eyes on its face allow for it to see in a variety of environments. When threatened or attacking, the tick produces a very sharp needle, dripping with poison, from what would be its mouth.

Suggested Environments

Tick cogs can be found in just about any environment.


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