The Castellion Building / Landmark in Wyrion | World Anvil

The Castellion


  The Castellion is a replacement of the first structure constructed within Port Castellion by Marc I Castel in 35AR. The original fortress was built in obeyance of his orders from House Mira to establish a defensive stronghold, as well as a harbor, at the mouth of Meridia's Current. However, over time it proved inadequate for the growing city, and its use as an administrative center, as well as a home for the Castel family, was no longer necessary.    Thus, in 122AR, The Castellion was constructed atop the original fortress. Its structures were maintained, but expanded upon, to form a still-conventional, but larger, castle. While this upgrade was sufficient for collecting tolls from river traffic, as well as defending Port Castellion, the unification of The Litoric Islands, and the widening world of the post-Crossing Over meant new threats. This was exemplified in particular during The Waterspout War, when Litoric Marines destroyed ships at anchor in Meridia and Port Castellion. Thereafter, The Castellion was upgraded along with Aidan's Rock, and Fingerwatch 


  The Castellion lacks the distinctive geography of its older brother, Aidan's Rock, and is literally and architecturally overshadowed by it. However, while it follows conventional castle construction, it has some unique features. Firstly, it is one of the older buildings in the city, despite being officially constructed just shy of a century after the city was founded. This is due to the original fortifications still found within the overall structure of The Castellion, most notably the Lion Gate featured prominently at its entrance. This gate is formed by two massive lions, of marble from the Coquet Heights, jutting out from the wall proper, behind which closes the main gate of the fortress.    Beyond the Lion Gate, the most prominent feature is also the newest. Following the embarrassment at the hands of the Litoric Marines, a large chain was constructed between the northwest tower of Aidan's Rock and The Castellion. This chain rests on the riverbed, but can be hoisted in times of need by massive capstans within the towers, powered by many hundreds of soldiers.
Port Castellion
The capital of House Castel.
Founding Date
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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