The Kafay Tree Species in The World of Cartyrion | World Anvil

The Kafay Tree

See those trees, boy? Any one of 'em is worth five of you, and don't you ever forget it! I'm payin' you to pick cherries... red cherries only... not the green ones. Costs me a copper every time one of you lot picks a green one. And if you damage a tree, Break a branch, or scar a trunk and you're finished here.
Got it? Good! Now get pickin'!
— Plantation owner instructing a new field hand
The most valuable species of tree, from a commercial point of view, is not one that produces beautiful decorative hardwood, or a vital food staple. It's ultimate product is a beverage that, though some may insist life cannot be lived without it, is in fact a simple luxury. The tree in question is the Kafay Tree.


Some sages insist the Kafay tree was created by Berdea in its current form shortly after Cartyrion was formed. Others insist it was bred by Humans cross-pollinating other trees. The real truth is known only to the gods; for those on Cartyrion, this knowledge is lost to history.

Geographic Distribution

Kafay trees are known only to grow in three regions of Cartyrion. Most of the First Kingdom is capable of supporting the trees; the only other region that has successfully established Kafay tree growing is the region immediately surrounding Icefell. Farther north and across Icefell Bay, the Free City of Seaguard also grows the tree, though harsher conditions there affect the product significantly. First Kingdom Kafay is generally considered to be the superior product, though some would argue that Icefell claims that distinction. Seaguard Kafay is universally deemed to be inferior.

Botanical Facts

The Kafay tree is a fruiting tree that can grow to a height of almost twenty feet if left unpruned, though most cultivated samples are kept to under ten feet in height to promote more accessible branches. The tree will only grow in climates that include a winter with below-freezing temperatures; the trees go dormant during that period, having shed their leaves in the autumn. In late spring, the trees begin to put forth small pinkish white flowers. Flowers do not last long, but new ones continue to be produced along branches for about a month. After these are pollinated, and the petals drop, the fruits mature slowly over about two months. Many fruits will line a single branch. As the fruits ripen, they turn a brilliant red color, indicating they are ready for harvest.

It takes about four years for a newly planted tree to mature to the point where it yields its first fruits. The trees are very sensitive to climate; an unusually warm winter will disrupt an entire year of production as the trees will not flower if they do not go dormant. Several insect and fungal pests are known, but alchemists and druids are able to deal with these as they are discovered.

Commercial Importance

The fruits of the Kafay tree are too bitter and small to be a viable food source, but food is not where their importance lies. The pits at the center of the fruits, when cleaned, dried, and carefully roasted, yield a product that can be crushed and steeped to produce a beverage. This beverage, which induces a feeling of energy and very mild euphoria, is highly prized. In areas where Kafay is common, and therefore affordable, daily consumption of Kafay beverages is almost universal. In lands farther afield, those who can afford it often demonstrate their affluence by serving Kafay beverages to guests. In the Frontier lands, where most Folk hail from First Kingdom ancestries, Kafay beverages have become a key part of Yule season celebrations, with families often saving for an entire year to afford roasted pits for a day of beverage consumption.

Because of the value of the beverage products, whole sections of regional commerce are dedicated to Kafay. Drying and cleaning operations, roasting, warehousing and transport are all significant business endeavors. The collapse of a Kafay growing region would be catastrophic to its local economy.
Kafay Flower Blossoms
A First Kingdom Kafay Plantation
First Kingdom Lands
productive for approximately 30 years
Average Height
20' wild; cultivated trees are pruned to 10'
Kafay Fruit - One is Ripe for Picking
Every year we send out a green bunch o' pickers into the trees. And every year I fret that they'll damage the branches... or worse... bring in some blight from whatever rathole they live in... Been lucky so far, but remember what happened to Ol' Gatwicke a few years back? Lost a full year's harvest to blight, and cost another year's profit to have the druids clear it out. Yeah... been lucky so far...
— Plantation owner thinking out loud to his partner

Cover Image by tk tan from Pixabay
Kafay Blossoms Image by mateusbonato2014 from Pixabay
Plantation Image by HAI VAN NGUYEN TONG from Pixabay
Kafay fruit Image by Yesid GuarĂ­n from Pixabay


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