Dame Fina Sawsend Character in Valley of Plenty | World Anvil

Dame Fina Sawsend

Granddaughter of the famous warlord Ichaez Westmaker, Dame Fina Sawsend was formerly known as Nasha of house Westmaker. She was her father's heir, though chose not to follow in her father's and grandmother's footsteps. Rather than fight on the battlefield, she chose to study. Her great aptitude for history and archeological analysis earned her the title of Royal Scholar of the Ravenmight Institute, and with that position a new name of her choosing.   Her grandmother, Ichaez Westmaker, is an Iruxi Scion who has served the kingdom for over eighty years. Her accomplishments in battle earned her the name Westmaker and while she has stepped down from her position long before, she and her kin still defend the kingdom against many threats. While Dame Fina Sawsend may not have followed in her grandmother's footsteps, she has picked up some combat training nonetheless.   In the Valley, Dame Fina Sawsend leads the Ravenmight Institute in research. She also occasionally tags along on explorations to verify the information she and her fellow scholars have uncovered.
Information from Crow's Nest
Fina Sawsend
Nasha Westmaker
Royal Scholar
Former Heir of House Westmaker


While there is no mistaking the identity of Dame Fina Sawsend, especially given the rarity of Iruxi, she still wears the same facial coverings that other scholars of the institute does. Though she has no reason to protect her privacy, she chooses to obey the dresscode to not allow attacks on her more-anonymous coworkers.   She tends to wields a buckler and scimitar in combat, though as a spellcaster her scimitar is mostly symbolic. When travelling, she always rides a warhorse, plated in leather similar to her own equipment. She is not escorted, she rides along.
There are two main words to use when it comes to describing the personality of Dame Fina Sawsend. Inquisitive, and hopeful. She hits the books and tries to connect the information therein with what she can find out there. And she insists we'll be able to find out more, discover what makes this valley tick, and make it through alright in the end. Through this attitude, she inspires many.   At the same time, she is capable of stubbornness, refusing to stand down when nobles get in her way. She is still a warrior like her grandmother, just one of words and knowledge instead.


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