Keeper of the Key | Thicket of Thorns

Keeper of the Key

Redeemed by Nathalia Books
This mysterious figure is draped in torn pieces of cloth that make up a hooded robe. The black garment is slightly grey due to the dust amassed on it. Every movement made by the creature sounds like creaking wood or a low screech of rusted metal against rusted metal. The hands and feet are wrapped in cloth with small claws peeking out. Anything else on the creature seems to be made out of solid shadow.   The Keeper has a belt from which hangs a large, rusted key. It will stop at nothing to defend this item as it unlocks the Book of Secrets. Of course, even whose with the key are rarely themselves again if they peer into that book. If they can find it. And having taken the key means the Keeper will hunt them fr eternity.

Physical Description

Special abilities

The Keeper is immortal, of sorts. If its body is destroyed by enough force, it will still reform within a day or so. And it is always aware of where both the Key ad the Book of Secrets is, as well as anyone who has ever touched either. With its ability to reach for any secrets, hidden things, or shadows, it is a formidable foe for those who have crossed it.



Everything about the Keeper of the Key is hidden in one way or another. It moves silently as it drifts along the floor. Every movement is cold and deliberate. It has no interest in small talk or debating minor details. That doesn't mean it won't interact with those who seek it out.


The Keeper's voice is dark and raspy with a slight echo to it. As if it came from much farther away than the being is.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Wraith of the Book of Secrets


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