Desire Branch | Thicket of Thorns

Desire Branch

At some point or another, we have all wished to know what someone desires. Many have wanted to direct someone else's attention towards a specific thing. Controlling or protecting minds and hearts is all within the purview of the Desire Branch.  

What the Heart wants

There are three major uses for the Desire Branch. One is the protection against what would otherwise control or damage one's mind. This includes attempts at removing some forms of mental illness. The second common use is for reading minds and intentions. On a grand scale, this might allow the practitioner a complete understanding of someone's personality. But even less powerful uses can be extremely effective when used right.   The most controversial use of this Branch has to do with control. It is quite possible to implant a desire or remove one. This is how an actual love potion might work, or a way to make someone completely lose faith.  


Emotions can easily go awry even without involving something supernatural. Something that was a mild interest might turn into a life-altering obsession. Someone that was the love of your life doesn't matter or might be worthy of nothing but death. The memories and parts of your mind who made life worth living are now gone. There are so many things the Thorns of Desire might take from you and those around you.
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Mar 17, 2021

Commonly referred to as magic.

  Common Traditions
Metaphysical, Arcane


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