Consortium of Sage Crafters | Thicket of Thorns

Consortium of Sage Crafters

Redeemed by Barbarossa Sparklebeard
Founded in the mid 1800s by artisans focused on the arcane, the Consortium strives to craft a better world. Depending on what kind of world you consider better.  

World of Crafts

There is much power in the world of Artifice that the sagecrafters would benefir from and that their highest members would want to get their hands on. But that world is also a very clear dark reflection on the group's ideals. Getting lost in the machinery there and or only being concerned with pure function is one of the crafters' greatest fears.  

The life of Carnassus

The founder of the organisation supposedly died some thirty years after setting it up, but no one actually witnessed this. Combined with rumours that Carnassus was working on an elexir of eternal life, it has been speculated that he was successful and still hiding somewhere. One explanation for why he hasn't shown himself might be because he has been captured by those who don't want to share his discoveries with others, or because he's hiding from those individuals. Or he might actually be hiding in plain sight and still direct the board of Master Sages.


The Consortium has a board of nine Master Sages of the Crafts, who divide amongst them the various responsibilities of the organisation. Individual members belong to loges who gather all those within an area to provide mutual support, inspiration, and connections. Each loge elects its own board, though it is technically subject to approval by the Master Sages.   Members pay a small membership fee but mostly they are expected to provide their expertise to help other members when asked. The more senior a member is, the less polite it is to ask questions before helping them out.


The Consortium is a federation of crafters first and foremost. The notion that they would have an agenda that isn't just the desire for better creations is frowned upon. They value talent over everything. This doesn't just apply to the pure function of an artefact, but also its beauty and design. Those who excel in their art should do so in every way.   Seniority is the easiest way to determine the status of someone within the concortium, but skill is a more accurate one.


The guild was originally formed by Carnassus of Banes, a master crafter of items of power. He gathered both skilled artisans and arcane users to collaborate and craft a better world. The Consortium has always held to the principle that creation should trump destruction, but that doesn't mean that their actions have always aligned perfectly with general moral values. In fact, the organisation considers itself more another tool to be used by its members than having agency of its own.
Founding Date
Guild, Craftsmen


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