Diarchy of Peraserasia Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Diarchy of Peraserasia

The Diarchy of Peraserasia is a small Prasri country in northeastern Epeoris. While most of the rural populace still adhere to old Prasri Animism, the capital Panta and its surroundings follow Hantzuism. As its name implies, the diarchy is traditionally ruled by two Diarchs, usually a man and a woman.   As of 1050, following the Battle of Eallard Stronghold, the diarchy is a part of the Yokun Empire.


Peraserasia is an extremely beaurocratic polity, with a myriad of rules, laws, and regulations on virtually every subject and procedure. This is not to say that the nation is completely lawful, as many denizens tend to hold traditonal customs over any legal code, especially in more rural areas. Each Baron effectively rules their own domain, in which they enforce the laws they see fit, unless that law was passed by the Circle of Nobles; regardless, detailed documentation is ingrained within Prasri society, and even the most remote backwaters maintain, at the very least, a log of noteworthy events, a list of land ownership, an up to date census, trial protocols, and a concise gazetteer.

Trade & Transport

Due to its mercantile nature, regardless of coinage, virtually all coins are accepted in Peraserasia. The following table shows which pieces of coin are accepted by traders and merchants throughout it:  
1/3 Ounce 1 Ounce 1 Pound Exclusivity
Copper Accepted Accepted Declined NA
Bronze Declined Accepted Declined NA
Iron Declined Accepted Declined NA
Silver Accepted Declined Declined NA
Gold Accepted Declined Accepted NA
Electrum Accepted Declined Declined NA
Glass Accepted Accepted Declined NA
Platinum Accepted Accepted Accepted NA
Obsidian Declined Accepted Declined Ashinland Standard
Nacre Accepted Accepted Declined Pure Nacre
Opal Accepted Accepted Declined Certain Services
Jade Accepted Accepted Declined Certain Services


  • Map of Peraserasia
    Peraserasia is a small Prasri country in north-eastern Epeoris. Comprised of many clans and social groups, most of the country is rural with the exception of the cosmopolitan capital of Panta.

248 - 1050 (Annexation)

Geopolitical, State
Peraserasian, Prasri
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Semi-autonomous area
Economic System
Market economy
Major Exports
Aerarnofio, Denharod, Rhisgldur
Related Ranks & Titles
Related Professions
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities

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