Old Euripetes Myth in The Mortal Lands | World Anvil

Old Euripetes

There are many an Old Wives' tale or homegrown legend that dot the Unclaimed Lands. What were once thriving cities and countries have now since turned to dust, but the small towns that supported them remain, unable to leave their fields. Farmers tend them to this day, watching over the tall grains of wheat as they prepare to send their crop further and further distances, but with equally great reward.   But there is one field they never touch, Despite the golden, perfect stalks. And that is the Field of Old Euripetes.


No one knows from whence Old Euripetes came from. Only that, for as long as anyone can remember, he has roamed the windswept Chestnut Plain. He appears in a whisper, yet his roar fills the air. He is relentless in his pursuit of those who foolishly enter his territory, and many a foolish young man has not emerged from those fields alive. His teeth are many, metallic and sharp enough to perfectly cut the grain he wanders in. His feet move faster than the eye can track, trampling the unwary underfoot. Any attempt to placate him or slay the beast has failed. The elders warn their children; stay far away from Chestnut Plain. Though the fields are full of rich, perfect strands of grain, they are watered with the blood of those who dared to venture in.   A passing adventurer once used a Sight Charm to get a bird's perspective of the field, to see if the beast could be spotted from the air. Instead he found mysterious glyphs and runes carved into the grain. These runes have only added to the mystery of Old Euripetes, causing friction as new, eager explorers dare to ventured into those forbidden grounds, eager to solve the mystery themselves.

Historical Basis

Old Euripetes draws from multiple historical events. Those historical events being the deaths or disappearances of those who ventured into Chestnut Plain, never to be seen or heard from again. Only a few lucky soles with fast feet have emerged to tell the tale, and what a tale they have told. Hideous shrieks, scything teeth of metal, and the thunder of feet that never seem to leave the ground. Although most of the surrounding villages have died off since the Night of Falling Crowns, those few that have survived maintain the old tale; do not go to Chestnut Plain if you value your life.


The Legend of Old Euripetes is common through the Unclaimed Lands, even as far as St. Fiule. While the story itself has all the hallmarks of a real tale, gruesome deaths included, most wave it off as a fairy story or something to keep kids out of places they shouldn't be. But no one has been able to explain the deaths, or the shrieking noise that still haunts the field, or even the mysterious glyphs left hewn in the grain after Old Euripetes appears.

In Art

A wandering bard was passing through Trovi Valley when he first heard the Legend of Old Euripetes. Eager to verify the legend for himself, he ventured out to the edge of Chestnut Plain. He stood on a hill overlooking the great field of wheat and watched as the grains bent in the presence of the old beast. It inspired him to write a ballad, which became popular in many of the taverns and bars that dot that part of the Mortal Lands.
Date of First Recording
Early Stone Era (Circa 150)

Cover image: by TinkerTech Via ArtBreeder


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