The Eleph Species in The Magitech Chronicles | World Anvil

The Eleph

The Elephantidae are reputed to be a race of bipedal warriors from beyond the Erkadi Rift. The single reference describes a variety of subspecies, but all have the hallmark trunk and tusks that Terran scholars claim belong to a large herbivore from their world. The Elephantidae, or Eleph, are a matriarchal society, with each tribe led by the best strategist. Unlike many species they have no preference between magic and technology, and have seamlessly blended them together. Eleph, as they are more colloquially known, use subsonic communication over long distances, and are known for their exceptional coordination in battle.   To reach Eleph space you need to circumnavigate the Rift, which the Eleph have cordoned off with a series of magical beacons. They are aware of the Confederacy, and were used as mercenaries by Shaya as recently as seventeen generations ago. Since then their presence in our sector has been noticeably absent, and few have bothered to travel to their space as they have little of value, and tend to react badly to trespassers.     Appearance   Unknown. Their description suggests some sort of bipedal elephant, but we have no visual reference.     Eleph and Magic   It's unclear if the eleph possess any native magic. We have more questions than answers.     Head Archivist Nara   Excerpt from Commonly Encountered Species


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