The Magitech Chronicles
The gods are dead, but they are not gone. Their bodies remain, brimming with divine power in forgotten nebulas or darkened corners of the void.
Those who seek to claim their power often find death, but if they succeed the magic they gain may pave the way for them to become gods themselves.
The Magitech Chronicles already has
13 novels out, but this site was created to foster development of our pen and paper roleplaying game. Below you'll find the complete rules system, articles, characters, worldbuilding, artwork, and maps.
Our RPG successfully Kickstarted, and is now available on DriveThruRPG. We even managed our Special Edition.
Our player's handbook Kickstarter will be coming in the near future, and will include new paths, and new archetype, molting rules, divinity rules so you can play gods, and so much more! You can beta test that content by clicking on the Player's Handbook tab on the left hand side.
Please take a look around and ping
[email protected] if you have any feedback!