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Feylost Sickness

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WARNING! This article is about a player character in the campaign: A Figure in the Mists. If you are a player in that campaign, and do not play this character, please do not read this article!
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WARNING! This article is about a player character in the campaign: A Shadow Behind the Crown. If you are a player in that campaign, and do not play this character, please do not read this article!
WARNING! This article contains spoilers for the campaign: A Shadow Behind the Crown. If you are a player in that campaign, please do not read this article.
WARNING! This article is about a player character in the campaign: A Trick of the Light. If you are a player in that campaign, and do not play this character, please do not read this article!
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This article has been contributed by: Nobody

Feylost sickness is a condition that a person not native to the Feywild can obtain after spending an extended amount of time in the Feywild. The symptoms of this condition are highly variable depending on the individual, but have similarly outlandish and wacky effects, making the condition still fairly easy to diagnose.
A person who has contracted feylost sickness is known as a feylost.


Due to the magic of the Feywild being vastly different than the magic of the other planes, as well as its disconnect from the majoiry of the other planes, a being not native to the Feywild often will not have a good time adjusting to the new environment. For smaller periods of time, this has little consequence. However, the longer that someone spends within the Feywild, the higher their risk of contracting this condition is.


The symtoms of Feylost Sickness vary greatly between afflicted individuals. Some examples of more common symtoms have been:
  • The growth of a tail, catlike, deerlike, or otherwise.
  • The smell of flowers constantly following the feylost, imperceptable to them but perceptable to others.
  • A slight glowing or sparking aura surrounding the feylost
  • Flowers blooming or wilting in the presence of the feylost.
  • The feylost having a sweet scent, like nectar, sugar, or honey.
  • The feylost's skin becomes sparkly or shiny
  • The feylost gains an acute sense of smell specifically for pastries
  • The feylost's laughs begin to sound like high-pitched giggles
  • The feylost's eyes change to a bright pink or purple colour, or start to swirl and mix colours.
  • The air around the feylost begins to chill or warm up wherever they go.
  • The skin of the feylost turns to light pastel colours, like pink or green.
In general, the effects of feylost sickness will cause the feylost to become more fey-like in appearance. These traits will often cause the feylost to become more accepted among the fey, though they might get some weird or curious looks if they return to the material plane.
A feylost person may experience some personality changes upon contracting this condition, as well. They may become more easygoing, take a new liking to pranks and tricks, or decide that they enjoy exploration and travel more than they may have before. Usually, these changes are minor and usually unnoticeable, but in more extreme cases when a person has spent centuries in the Feywild, these personality traits may become more prominent.
Feylost sickness can, however, lead to mental issue in a person. When it does, this condition is known as Fey Insanity, which is more likely to occur for people already prone to insanity or mental breakdowns.


There is no easy way to revert the changes made by feylost sickness. High-potency magic is capable of reversing the physical effects of the condition, but reversing any neurological changes is much more tricky. This requires purple magic, the type of magic that deals with the mind, to even be able to attempt - and purple magic is also one of the less reliable forms of magic in terms of the mental safety of the person receiving this magic. However, any remedies to the symptoms of feylost sickness are highly taxing on a caster trying to perform them.


Other than the obvious method of prevention of staying out of the feywild, Wisps are known to be helpful in mitigating the effects of the condition and preventing them from manifesting. A willing Wisp may stay close to a traveller to allow them to benefit from this effect, while more careless ones may simply wander around aimlessly, and if a traveller wishes to rely on its effects, they must follow it.
Chronic, Acquired


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