The Kaiju Cave Building / Landmark in The Kaiju Cave | World Anvil
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The Kaiju Cave

The Kaiju Cave is the home of the Kojin Family unit.

Purpose / Function

To safely house Kaiju Kojin in a secret and secure area. This will allow intergration into human society, and keep one on one contact to a minimum.   It's also used to house Kojin's massive collection of human "Trinkets" that he wants to review and display for everyone to see.


The Kaiju Cave has been fitted with electricity, running water and internet from the local town.


The cave is big enough for a kaiju to walk in and enjoy the comforts of kaiju living.


The Kaiju Cave has safty mesues against agitators and provokers. There will be no further discussions.


The kaiju cave used to be an empty
Founding Date
The cave was formed sometime during the ice age.
Alternative Names
Home, Kaiju Castle, Kaiju Abode, The Cave,
Additional Rulers/Owners
Ruling/Owning Rank
Characters in Location

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