Dear Enemy (Story) in The Hummelverse | World Anvil

A new tank is assembled and quickly, he has to learn the rules of the world he will live in. But just as he thinks he's got it all figured out, even the hardest lessons pale in comparison to the ones he is confronted with when soon, he finds himself in the middle of his time's most vicious conflict.
  Dear Enemy is a new story/novel set in the Hummelverse that aims to make the lore more accessible to new readers while entertaining veterans as well. The story follows the journey of a newly constructed tank as he and his fellow recruits experience the world for the first time. It is presented in the form of the tank's diary entries.   Currently, the story is only available for Patreon supporters, but it will be released to the public in the future. New chapters are published weekly. It is being written and released via the new Manuscripts feature of World Anvil. Check out the sidebar to get to the actual novel.  


Written and illustrated by artyrambles. Edited by Anon E. Moose of Odd Tornado Productions.

Dear Enemy

Click the "READ" button that appears when hovering over the book cover to access the story.


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