St. Mobius Character in The Rune-Lands of Tellurica | World Anvil

St. Mobius

Archmagus Edric Mobius Harrow (a.k.a. "Old Moby")

Edric Mobius Harrow was the youngest son of King Greyvax I Harrow, the last apprentice of Jonah Harrow, and the boon companion of Imperator Kal Invictus Rex during the Crusade. He is the spiritual founder of Cathricism's Mobius Pillar, and is considered by many to be the greatest magician who ever lived.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

  • Born Prince Edric Mobius Harrowin the Conorwyr Hinterland(1), into the House of Heorot, third son of King Greyvax Harrow I and Queen Amalia I Harrow, roughly 150 years Ante Imperium.
  • Mobius' prodigious magical talent emerged early, with explosive results. This effectively banished him from court until such time as he might learn to curb such destructive abilities, for the safety of all involved. Thankfully, his uncle was no other than the Runespeaker, Jonah Harrow. He could hope for no better teacher.
  • This relationship was a positive influence on the Runespeaker as well. As Jonah's studies became broader in scope, challenging the limits of what sanity can contain, the boy provided a vital link to his own humanity. Their relationship was less master and student than it was father and son. The pair traveled constantly as Jonah pursued his knowledge. This had lasting effects on his ward's view of permanency, mortality, and because his uncle was a demigod, divinity.
  • Whist on a long layover in the Cathrican Cradle during his apprenticeship, Mobius became fast friends with an engineer's apprentice called Veric Grimm. An unlikely yet nonetheless prodigious partnership was the result; when the two parted ways, they remained in touch via letters.
  • As the theopolitical turmoil of the late Dark Age began to boil over, Grimm became more and more deeply involved with radicalized and highly-militant anti-theistic movements. Through their friendship, Mobius was also radicalized. He renounced the innate divinity of his royal blood at the Symposium in Maunder, on 14 Reverie 130 Ante Imperium.
  • Involved with the Crusade from the beginning, Mobius proved an adroit political operator. Using his skill at diplomacy throughout the Crusade, Mobius forged relationships with important personages across Hyperborea, often welcoming client Dominions into the Empire without bloodshed.
  • Mental Trauma

    Mobius was present for the demise of each and every divinity slain during the Crusade, from Tiras to Dola. When he slew the Runespeaker Harrow, he gained the Kinslayer's Curse and a healthy dose of trauma. It is for these reasons that Mobius refused to be considered to be Chosen as Imperator and instead opted to die as a mortal man.

    "For I have done such things as cannot be forgiven, not ever, not across a thousand lifetimes. I did them so that others might not have to, because they needed doing. But still I owe a debt and I intend to pay in full."


    Family Ties

    Mobius' choice to dedicate himself fully to the craft of magic after the death of his family meant that he took no other wife or lover and produced no blood heirs. He remained a doting uncle figure for the first
    Divine Classification
    Current Location
    Honorary & Occupational Titles
    Archmagus, Magister Mundi, Saint
    Date of Birth
    25 Abruarch
    Date of Death
    13 Octember
    157 AI 113 IR 270 years old
    Circumstances of Death
    Extreme Old Age
    Conorwyr, Hinterland
    Place of Death
    Maunder, Cathra
    Current Residence
    Crimson Cathedral, Maunder (remains)
    Green-grey, clear and observant.
    Greying Black
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Mystic Anti-Theist
    Other Affiliations

    Character Portrait image: by Mad Atom Studios via Midjourney AI


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