The Wagonmole Vehicle in Tellanor | World Anvil

The Wagonmole

Join us on the amazing WAGONMOLE!! The most comfortable and most exciting way to travel between Fidira and Tamardam!

By using 'The Wagonmole' transportation service, you agree to legally indemnify The Wesley Brothers Company, its staff, its investors and other related people of any duty of safety to your person while in The Molecarriage and/or being transported by one of The Wesley Brothers Company's dragonmoles.

- An advertising leaflet discarded in Grenton

A dangerous invention

Not so much an invention as an idea born of reckless creativity, the Wagonmole is nothing more than a Dragonmole with a special-built wagon attached to it to carry passengers through the underground. Many of these Wagonmole routes pass beneath Morbhaine in order to meet guaranteed transport times. This results in a number of risks which the Wagonmole offers no protection from, including Lucent, which are capable of passing through solid matter and destroying life, and the corrupting energy of the Flame that has seared the twilit land. Thus far, Wagonmole travelers have been lucky.  

Comfort and Convenience

A typical Wagonmole journey from south-western Fidira to south Tamardam takes three days compared to three weeks by carriage. This is achieved through a series of carriages that are attached to the dragonmole by a harness, and through injections of a stimulant to push it through sleep. Food and water are supplied to the mole through tubes that go to its mouth. This is something of a harsh lot for the beast, but its passengers ride in exquisite comfort, with luxuriously cushioned cabins and conveniences. Refuse is simply left underground and tramped down by the next dragonmole passing through.
The Peoplemoving Revolution

Country of Origin
Devised & Operated By
The Wesley Brothers Company


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