Morbhaine Organization in Tellanor | World Anvil


Morbhaine, bright and shining star! Order you brought the world! Now repaid in darkness, forgotten, your people scattered far. Morbhaine, shadow-blighted land! Havoc you now unfurl! Your soldiers gleam, light-begotten, their hearts are black as tar.   The emperor's hubris caused not just the death of his empire, but of the very land on which it stood. The flame of magic was not a metaphor. It's warmth and light shone over the Morbhaine Imperium. It's flickering caused a wane in the arcane power the empire relied on, but for a moment, its light was blinding and searing in its intensity. Though the cause of this flash is still unknown, and though the embers of magic's flame have long since been rescued from Morbhaine, the effects of this arcane oddity yet cling to the land centuries later. Morbhaine, long ago known as a land of learning and progress in science, arts, and philosophy, is now a land all but deserted save for the shades of the dead that haunt their long-abandoned homes.  

A Land of Unreliable Magic

An indelible scar has been left in the tapestry of reality, and the threads that practitioners pull upon to use their arts are frayed in this accursed land. It is safest not to use magic within a day's march of Morbhaine's border ranges. A practitioner will find their spells do work, and atimes will even be empowered by the shifts in the laws of nature. Foolish are they who rely upon this: a spell is as likely to consume its weaver in a conflagration, or cause a cadre of ghouls to descend upon them.  

The Land of the Lucent

Beings of light, the Lucent were summoned to Tellanor when the Flame of Magic flared then faded. These creatures have yet to find a way to coexist with any of Tellanor's life. They have the power to utterly consume any creature after several seconds of contact. Some Lucent have the ability to transform their victims into Lucent, adding to a growing army that some fear will overspill the twilit land.  

The Land of Shadows

Locked in eternal twilight, refuge of the half-blooded.
Geopolitical, State
Alternative Names
The Blighted Land


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