Magicite Item in Tellanor | World Anvil


"Get yer magicite! Madge's magicite! Best magicite in all of Pwyllflint, no doubt about it. Green magicite, red, blue, purple, clear magicite! Magicite and Mad Madge prices, only from Madge! Better than Mark's magicite, it's Madge's magicite! Get yet magicite! Madge's magicite!..."

- 'Mad' Madge, Pwyllflint Merchant
  Magicite is a synthetic crystal formed through some process lost with the Empire. Records indicate they crystals were formed in machines in the late days of the Empire. They could store magic that could be called upon by anyone, even those with no natural ability for magic. The magic stored within coloured the crystals. When the magic was depleted, the stone could be recharged, but it was not much more difficult to create the crystal along with the spell, the empty shard was often discarded. The crystal is extremely hard and difficult to cut, but this also makes it amazingly resistant to wear and tear.

Magicite is used in contemporary jewellery or used alone as an accessory. Magicite shards that still contain spells usually hold a soft glow. It is thought that the magic that the shards hold colour them, and that all magicite begins clear. Tiny shards of magicite are common, and were once considered rubbish. Small shards are worth a minimal amount, but the worth of magicite rises rapidly with the size of the shard. Among all the varied hues of magicite, clear magicite is the most valuable.

Magicite is found most easily near old Imperial roads, where the forces of the Morbhaine Empire marched over the land and used magicite to perform acts grand and small. These shards are often small, as they often held the most simplistic of spells. The largest and most intricate of these gems were wrought to hold embers of the Flame of Magic. Seven of these wonders are recorded, only one of which is accounted for.


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