Yutromorch Magic

Written by Isaac Thompson

Aren't crystals incredible? With just a tap they can light an entire house or water a whole farm. We can teleport great distances thanks to them. I can think of few gifts greater than what Be'ari gave us.
— Catalyst Scholar
In Yutromorch, magic is powered with the use of glowing crystals. Each crystal has its own magical properties, and can play off each other to operate autonomously. Without these qualities, life in Yutromorch would be very different.


Magic crystals come in five categories known as Tendencies, so named for their fluid nature and internal variance. These are;  


The Light Tendency deals with changes in light level and energy. Its associated traditional element is Fire.


The Volume Tendency deals with changes in density and weight. Its associated traditional element is Earth.


The Catalyst Tendency is not associated with any traditional element. Rather, it deals with the other Tendencies, and is what enables them to manifest their changes outside of themselves. The Crystal at the heart of Yutromorch exhibits the Catalyst Tendency, as do the crystal hearts of all Duanams.


The Flow Tendency deals with changes in movement and mixture. Its associated traditional element is Air.


The Temper Tendency deals with changes in temperature and pressure. Its associated traditional element is Water.
Metaphysical, Arcane


Magic is cast by bringing together any combination of crystals, provided there is at least one Catalyst Tendency crystal present. When they are brought into close contact, the crystals begin to feed off of eachother, and the Catalyst will force their energy to manifest physically.   The form this magic takes can depend on a variety of factors, notably the combination used, the size of the crystals, and what other materials surround them. The larger the crystal, the greater the magical effect it can produce. When different Tendencies combine, they interact in various ways to create new effects - for example, Volume and Temper combine to form "State", enabling a caster to change a solid or a liquid or gas, or vice versa.

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