The Anvil of Earth Item in Stadupglod | World Anvil
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The Anvil of Earth

After taking another deep drink from the mug of mushroom beer in front of him, he wiped his bushy mustache and looked deep into my eyes. He said that he had seen the legendary anvil of the dwarves, long ago when the city was young, before the dragon had come and curled itself around it. Said that he had even seen it used to forge the red armor of the Forgeguard Legion too, when that kind of thing was still done, with great ceremony and festivities. But that was long ago.   --37th of Mercury, Year 61

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The Anvil is constructed out of pure materialized Earth pillar energy arranged in a crystalline rune pattern at a molecular level, allowing for several of its unique properties.   It is nearly indestructible and has almost an infinite heat capacity. The Anvil is unique in that it can be heated and lose no hardness, allowing for the melting and shaping of metal to be done on it's surface at the same time. In order to heat it to optimal temperature, the core of the volcano Ilsaka has been harnessed and its energy directed into the Anvil's base.


It is the item of power for the pillar of Earth, created by the elder dragon Lia at the end of the Dragon Eon, she used its immense power to create the immortal dwarves and usher in the Immortal Era.   The Empire of Dwan used the Anvil to construct biological machines of burden and war, who's mortal descendants now populate The Oldroads.   The first king of the Empire, Mikhial, son of Iron, attempted to use the Anvil in the fourth epoch to wage war on the other immortal races. He lost the war and was imprisoned, causing the Empire of Dwan to build Stadupglod to keep the government and the Anvil separate.
Item type
Owning Organization
6,000 lbs.
6 ft. X 4ft, 5 ft. tall
Base Price

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