Reiatsu | World of Seireitei


Reiatsu is the physical pressure that a spiritual being's Reiryoku emits when released. This release can often be manipulated by Shinigami, Arrancar, Quincy, Fullbringers and Bounts.   While Reiryoku and Reiatsu are often spoken about together, the two are very different. Reiryoku is the amount of spiritual energy that a being has stored within their body or soul, while Reiatsu is the pressure that a being's spiritual power exerts. This means that Reiryoku is potential while Reiatsu is energy that is in use and can be sensed by other beings that are spiritually aware.   Those that have a high level of Reiryoku often have the highest levels of Reiatsu. A skilled warrior can overcome a person that has greater Reiryoku by having greater Reiatsu. This is achieved by having greater control over one's spiritual energy.  

Reiatsu Vents

All Shinigami have places on their wrists that serve as vents for their Reiatsu. If these places are blocked, the Shinigami in question can be incinerated by their Reiatsu from within.  

Reiatsu Release

The Reiatsu released by individuals eventually returns to them, but Reiatsu released in explosive bursts will engulf energy in its surroundings in the process.  
Spirit Class
The density of Reiatsu within the Reishi of a given Soul determines their Spirit Class, a number ranging from 1 to 20 with the densest Reishi and most powerful individuals having a lower number. Lieutenants of the Gotei 13 are often of rank 4 or 5 while captains are at ranks 1, 2, and 3. Those with a Spirit Class of 3 or higher have extremely dense Reishi that cannot be broken down and returned to the soil of the Soul Society after death like other Souls normally do. As it is a large risk to leave such Reishi in the Soul Society, a special form of Konsō is performed to send those of such high Spirit Class at the time of their deaths into Hell.  


Reiatsu and its power can be used in a variety of ways. While offensive and defensive uses are more common, it is possible to use one's Reiatsu to create psychological effects such as paralysis.  

Defensive Use

During combat between two spiritual beings, the one with the weaker spiritual pressure will be injured. Because of this, a Shinigami with a greater amount of Reiatsu can use their own spiritual pressure to harden their skin and create armor to protect themselves. Battles between Shinigami are battles of spiritual pressure. If one possesses a greater level of Reiatsu, then they can overcome the other completely. It is also possible to concentrate one's Reiatsu to repel attacks.  

Psychological Use

Reiatsu, at its most basic level, has the ability to instill fear in others when the Reiatsu being emitted is higher than the one feeling it. The best way to fight this effect is willpower
High levels of Reiatsu can cause those with lower levels of spiritual pressure to be stunned by being in the presence of a high-level spiritual being.
If a high-level spiritual being chooses, they have the ability to paralyze an opponent by focusing Reiatsu through their stare or presence.
Phantom Pain
A spiritual being emitting high levels of spiritual pressure can make their opponent feel phantom attacks, even if they are not being attacked physically.

Offensive Use

Physical Damage
Reiatsu can be transferred through weapons and other methods to cause physical damage to opponents.
Lethal Damage
In enormous quantities, Reiatsu has the potential to be lethal to others.
Spiritual Pressure
Metaphysical, Arcane


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