Major Site Update! | News in Qet Discussion Boards | World Anvil
Sun, Nov 14th 2021 10:27   Edited on Sun, Nov 14th 2021 10:43

Major Site Update!

You may notice a few things look different around here— that's due to several changes I've been working on this month. Let's go down the list.  

CSS Upgrade

The first, and most noticeable— is the CSS upgrade. I switched Qet over to Bootstrap 5, which required some adjustments already— I decided to take this chance to go through Qet's entire CSS and adjust things as I saw fit. Not everything was changed, and those that were were done so in the name of readability and...also looking better.   The most notable changes are;  
  • The body font has changed from Times New Roman, to Cambria. This, alongside ALL the body text now being the same font size, should make things much easier to read.
  • The "Go to Qet Homepage" button has been replaced with a back arrow, found on the left of article titles. This should be more quickly recognizable.
  • H1's have changed, now with a darker color, background, and border. The old orange ones failed to pass accessibility tests.
  • Article previews have been removed, article links now show excerpts on hover, instead.
  • The background image of aloud headers (the big fancy ones) has changed to look prettier and be more readable.
  • Quotes have changed to fit more in line with the rest of the world's aesthetic.
  • Custom containers have been updated to be more legible.
  • Comments got a facelift.
  • Fullscreen maps no longer look like garbage.
  • Border radiuses, padding, and box shadows have been standardized.
  There is plenty more you may notice, as well, including search results, tooltips, timelines, and many more changes.  

Banner Redesigns

I redesigned all of Qet's banners, and added 4 new ones. I originally made them in 2019, and I've grown a lot as a designer since then. You can see just how much so with these before/after images. I plan to make a bunch of these into emoji for Qet's Discord, and my Twitch later this week, alongside merch— if there's any interest.   Before/After


Homepage Update

I've updated the homepage beyond just CSS, I've added new sections and formatted things to work as a smoother, prettier, introduction. For example, there's now a section explaining some of the site's features that new readers may have previously been confused by. Much of the prose from before is still there! Just edited and trimmed down— there were actually a few things in there that got retconned since I wrote it!  




Discussion Boards

Discussion boards...exist! Please feel free to explore the boards, you can't make threads or reply in the News board— but you can everywhere else! There are boards for questions, feedback, discussion, and roleplay— take a look and join the chat!   The biggest advantage of these, besides fostering a community here, is that now people who aren't in the Discord can see updates and announcements, too! Don't forget to follow the news board here to receive updates whenever I post them! I'll usually make a notification for BIG things but some will just go to those watching here.  

Things to Come

I've still got a few things to do in order to wrap this up;  
  • I'll be making some small edits to the introduction article
  • Add new banners to applicable, old, articles
  • Make new banner icon emoji + merch(?)
  • Get the word out.
  • Make a before/after graphic(?)
  • Continue to reformat the oldest articles. (Likely jumping those I'll be adding new banners to, to the front of the queue.)
  And, of course— I'll continue to write new articles, and make progress on the TTRPG! Thank you all for reading and supporting Qet over the years, I hope you'll stick around to see where this goes!
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