Blightbane Guild Residences Building / Landmark in Pulse | World Anvil

Blightbane Guild Residences

These are seeker living spaces owned and rented out at a discount, relative to market value, to active seekers. They each house a range from one to eight seekers, but special accomodations are available for additional cost, serving larger parties or groups requiring additional amenities.   Guild staff also bunk here.   The connected residential buildings owned by the Guild are located down a pathway from the main hall, allowing easy access to Guild amenities, but there is also a back entrance for convenient access to the city proper.   Seeker apartments are in a separate building, where there are apartments for one to eight seekers. Usually, seekers will find a party and bunk with them. Transfers are managed by the Guild so that seekers do not need to feel like they have to remain with a party if it doesn’t work out. If a space isn’t available, there is always room in the bunks, with temporary storage areas for possessions that don’t fit in bunk chests.   There is a stigma attached to the that the singles are only rented by those who have proven to be useless or those who dislike others.
Apartment building / Tenament
Connected Rooms
Owning Organization


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