Thousandforms Species in Pretheya | World Anvil


Lyrielle's Children
The Thousandforms are one of the three main humanoid species of Pretheya, alongside the Tveirfotr and the Ofirar. Found almost exclusively within the bounds of the Broken Continent, they make up the majority population of the mighty Intersedran Empire.  


The Thousandforms largely resemble the Tveirfotr that they originally derive from, but with the addition of more flamboyant elements created to better suit Lyrielle's tastes. The pigmentation of their skin on parts of their faces is commonly a bright colour separate from their normal skin tone, which forms in various patterns that resemble the markings of certain animals. The most common pattern that these markings take are of monocolour rings or lines around their eyes, often with the addition of dots or lines elsewhere on the face. In addition, the black outline present on the inner eyelids of the Tveirfotr is exaggerated in Thousandforms and extends all the way around the base of the outer eyelids around where they connect, further highlighting their eyes. Markings similar to those found on their faces may also be observed on other parts of their body; commonly their upper arms, shoulders, thighs, chest, and back. The extent of these varies by individual, with some Thousandforms being almost covered in markings, while others have few or none at all.   The colouration of their eyes also more closely resembles those of various species of birds. Their irises are most commonly orange, yellow, or red, contrasting starkly to the Tveirfotr's blue and green eyes, and they also often possess sclera that are colours other than white. In some cases, individual Thousandforms are born with dark brown irises and black sclera, which can give them the appearance of having completely black eyes; though this is very unusual, and individuals with this eye colouration often struggle to find mates.   Thousandforms additionally do not grow hair as the Tveirfotr do. The hair on their head is instead replaced by feathers similar to those of birds, which can vary in colouration similarly to their markings, but to a far greater degree. Unlike their markings, these are not always necessarily bright, and can be dark colours such as black or grey. They also have small bands of feathers around their wrists and a short distance above their ankles, which are usually of the same variety that grow upon their head. The feathers are often monocolour, but in some rare cases may feature multiple colours on individual feathers, though unlike the Tveirfotr they are not capable of growing entirely different colours of 'hair.' In addition, the type of feathers that they grow can vary wildly, with some having tens of thousands of small fine feathers, while others may grow only hundreds of long thick ones. Aside from these feathers, their bodies are entirely smooth.  


The Thousandforms were first created by Lyrielle the Rainbow Serpent around two centuries before the outbreak of the War, born of a desire to create a more distinct subspecies of humans which she would have less difficulty recognising individuals of. For the next 200 years, the Thousandforms lived with Lyrielle as their guardian, during which time their every need was taken care of, and they were sheltered and protected from any outward threats. But this period of prosperity for their race did not last forever, and they were left to fend for themselves when Lyrielle departed westward to join the other Ormr in the War.   In the years that passed, the Thousandforms spread out all across the Broken Continent, becoming the primary sapient race to inhabit it. In the present day, they make up the vast majority of the continent's humanoid population, and as a race are found mostly in that portion of the world. They have struggled to make any inroads into the Pretheyan continent, owing to the Pretheyan Tveirfotr's distrust of the unfamiliar appearances and customs of the Thousandforms.  

Courtship Rituals

Though unclear whether it is an instinctual behaviour or a cultural one, the Thousandforms of Intersedra are known for their extremely intricate rituals and practises related to acquiring a mate.   In love partnerships (ie, those pursued outside of an arranged marriage, which are common in Intersedra) there exist strict courtship practises that men are instructed to follow when attempting to find a mate. For starters, it is considered improper for a man to attempt show interest in a woman without her first doing so towards him. This will usually be done only in a subtle way, and so men are expected to be able to interpret potential signals that a woman may be interested in them; their ability to do so constitutes the first test that they must pass. The next steps of the process consist of impressing their prospective mate; the way through which they must do so varying depending on the woman's character.   Intersedran women are encouraged to be highly choosy with their partners. Men are perceived amongst women as being primarily motivated by physical desire, and so women are taught to look for men who show an interest in them for reasons other than their appearance. For this reason, men who wish to court a female must strike a delicate balance between being suitably appreciative of her looks, but doing so in a way that refrains from making themselves seem excessively lustful, and while also making sure to demonstrate that they are interested in other aspects of her. Restraint is considered a highly virtuous and desirable quality in men, and is considered indicative of an ability to overcome one's baser nature. For this reason, some females will go out of their way to tempt prospective mates with intentionally seductive displays, with the intent of seeing if they are capable of remaining unaffected or not.   Another prized quality in males is their skill with children. The ability for a man to be liked by children and to know how to take care of them is often considered the indication of a good mate beyond anything else, and men who exhibit these traits are often among the first of a generation to find partners for themselves. Skill with children is also important on a practical level for the man; who will be the child's primary caregiver once they are old enough to no longer need to nurse.   Although the system of courtship generally highly favours the women involved, there are still some expectations placed upon them. Intersedran women are expected to wear elaborate, customised makeup that enhances whatever facial markings they were born with, to dress as well as is feasible for their station, and to adorn their hair with the feathers of birds. The rarer or more exotic these feathers the better, and this has lead to them fetching high prices as cosmetics on the market. As such, women who cannot afford to simply buy the feathers are often forced to go on long scavenging trips through wild portions of the country to try and find them; a task which can sometimes prove dangerous.   In addition, individuals of both sexes are expected to be highly proficient in around three different styles of Intersedran dance by the time they come of age. The ability to perform these dances is integral for certain parts of the marriage ceremony, and it is considered to be an embarrassment to the engaged's families if either one of them cannot perform the dances correctly; leading to many families refusing to allow children to get married until they have learned all three styles.


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