Death in the time of Nycos

Contemplating your death is a sobering concept.

If you've been following the conversation, you're probably wondering how this can work. Some will consider this, and think "Well, if the system doesn't allow death, then what is the point? If we are fundamentally immortal, then there's no basis for a story at all... the characters are meaningless." Just saying that seems fair; if we are alive, then naturally we can keep going forever. We can't fail if we have unlimited tries. But that isn't what we are saying at all.   A character's demise, in an RPG, can be wildly overstated. In most RPGs, there are ways to bring a character back from the brink, back from the dead, or even back from a finger-snap... it is called STORY. So yeah, the sessions can be as lethal as you want, the players can be as insulated from danger as possible, but do remember this critical point... if there is no risk, there can be no reward. If there are no consequences, there is no justification for sacrifice or moral high ground. Without these, the stories go flat, and the fun drains away... and none of us want that result!   But think about this in real terms. For the most part, we here in the real world, ARE immortal, practically speaking, until we die. That sounds silly, but a human being rarely falls dead capriciously, randomly, in the middle of normal life activities, but it does happen. The decisions we make do determine the risks we subject ourselves to. We can certainly develop illness, suffer injuries, and ultimately meet our demise.   And consider the characters in movies, books, and stories. In long-running programs, the sideline or supplemental characters may come and go, but the lead characters rarely do. For the sake of the story, they ARE immortal, they live throughout the arc.   Even considering all of this, death, in-game, isn't exclusively a player's decision any more than it is a director's. The conditions of the story determine its likelihood, and if the player concurs, then an ending for a character might be warranted. In the game, the story isn't over for a character, until it is over to everyone's satisfaction - that is to say, until it makes sense in the story. With that in mind, the reality of mortality should not be a regular consideration for your play group, unless that lethality is a generally accepted principle and part of the story you choose to tell.

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