NycosRPG Masterbook. The complete resource for playing NycosRPG

Welcome to Nycos!   Feel free to look around, get familiar, and even play whenever you can.   The Patreon account has several tiers, and each offers benefits and access that are specific to them, and that amplifies the full access to Nycos. Click here for the Patreon Account.   Our Discord Channel also affords information about Nycos as well, and has text channels dedicated to the various active Campaigns, additional material that is only available to members of the Channel, and a few perks for those who help Boost the Server. Click here for an invitation to the Discord Channel.            
The works are all separated into books. It's an easy way to find whatever you are looking for.
The book covers below give the shortlist of categories they cover.
Welcome to Nycos!   This is a centralized resource for playing all NycosRPG games,in any genre. Each SystemBook, from Dark Shards to Down Shift. depends on the information contained here. This centralized document is free to read, use, and duplicate in its entirety for game play purposes only. Any misuse or misappropriation will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Copyright 2018, Jonathan Albin, All other rights reserved.
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