La Margal Settlement in Nonvyrox | World Anvil

La Margal

This article is a living article. Information is being updated due to its involvement in an ongoing campaign.
  La Margal is a ruined commune that was under the control of Divine's Folly. It acted as a home base for the collective to train their members to counter divine creatures. Now it is becoming a new village that is being revitalised from the ruins of the commune.  


Before Destruction

In its prime, the commune contained six buildings that were barracks for members of the Divine's Folley collective. These members were being trained to combat against divine creatures. Whether these creatures took the form of a celestial, fiend, fae, or something else. These barracks were entirely basic with cots being used for bedding for each of the members. Each was also given a single trunk that would hold all the affects that each member were allowed to bring. This could include at most five personal items, often a picture of those who mean the most to the individual.   There was also one large mess hall that was a dedicated eating place for all members who resided at the commune. There were six long tables that would hold all the members of each of the houses. These tables had long runners of a design related to the specific barracks that the house belonged to, almost as if it were a signifier of where they belonged. At the top of this mess hall was a table of the trainers and officers that led this group of people, each having an almost throne like seat in comparison to the benches of the common members.   Off the side of this mess hall would be the kitchen. This space is designed to make simple food rather than elegant designs of different restaurants in different cities. There were simple functions but many members spent some times cooking food or working under the chef at some point in their training. This followed under the organisation's motto of "Every Person for All".   In the northern district of the commune are the officer's cabins, each of which contain the living areas and studies for each of these leaders. Some of the Officers were academics, while others are focused on the military elements, the important aspect is that their houses each have more luxury and propoganda for the Divine's Folly in place of any divine symbols.   The last point of interest within the commune is the library, a location that is designed to contain all the research that has been taken and confiscated from several religious orders. This research is suposed to contain information about the destruction of the gods and deities and includes information about the divine sources of power and how they work in the realm.

After Destruction

Since the destruction of the commune, many of the barracks, mess hall, and kitchen have been almost completely destroyed. This was a strange distaster as these structures was almost completly destroyed by the creature that fell into the commune. Even worst, people were asleep at the time that the creature collided with the ground, as such during this event many of these people died, crushed and burnt by the flaming figure as they fell.   Many of the barracks are charred and burst into several pieces, a wall of pure force throwing back parts of the buildings foundations away from the rest of the building. Of the six barracks buildings: three were completely blasted apart, one was mostly destroyed with only the burnt down remains of the southern wall, and the last two have at least two walls partially standing. This is opposed to the mess hall and kitchen which has only be broken in half, however all the wooden interior has been burnt to practically a crisp.   The officer's cabins seem to have mostly survived, with only one or two recieiving minro structural damage rather than any relatively major disasters. Despite this, three more of the cabins were slightly burned and affected in some form.   The only building that was kept entirely protected was the library, though after the destruction of the commune and vacating of Divine's Folly the library was completely emptied of all the research and documents, instead leaving false replicas of several documents and books that would be more normal of a village with children and elderly members of a village.
La Margal

General Information
Leader Leader of Divine's Folly
Current Leader Marson Riffe
Rasha Amann (As La Margal Commune)
Location Information
Plane Material Plane (Nonvyrox)
Continent Ossalimar
Region North Myllendra
Societal Information
Population 152 (in 755 AR)
486 (in 754 AR)
Demographics[/td 78% Human
7% Halfling
3% Dwarf
12% Other Ancestries
Affiliation Daunka Province Divine's Folly (formerly)
Status Ruined
Revitalised (In Progress)


Founded in 704 AR, La Margal Commune was founded as a training ground for members of Divine's Folly. The first batch of recruits were tasked with not only building elements of the commune, but also with training and developing their own skills so they could teach further recruits later on. Within the same year, the library of knowledge was built on the estate and was filled with all the writings of the first recruits, some of whom had been academics with both Obsidian Forge and Archani Conclave.   Through the next 50 years, at least 9 sets of recruits have entered into the commune and trained for at least 5 years each. Many of the recruits were tasked with different goals that would get further information about the different research elements that have looked into the different methods that could be used to kill the gods. Additionally, there are other leaders who have left the collective, or taken charge over these decades which have led to several different focuses for Divine's Folly. By 755 AR, the collective's main goal was to take out the Dual Idols, a collection of elder gods who form a cycle of Life, Death, and Rebirth.   On 11th Chyva 755 AR, an object fell from thousands of feet in the air directly straight to the ground. This object is alledged to have been a creature, a cast out angel who was falling through to the Infernal Planes. However, during their fall, for some reason The Dream Lord stopped their fall in the mortal realm. As they do this, the angel was protected but was rattling down to the ground becoming a powerful meteor, similar to that of the powerful spell meteor swarm. As the angel landed to the ground the blast went off and many of the buildings were destroyed while others were charred by the flaming impact.   The angel is then approached by the remaining members of the Divine's Folly who were confused, concerned, and ready to fight the celestial creature. This is when the angel's savior The Dream Lord appeared to speak with the angel. At this time, the members of the Divine's Folly yelled at the now mortal angel to get away from the deity, they were dangerous and unpredicatable. The Dream Lord starts to take the angel away from the location, at least temporarily. The last phrase that the angel heard from the group was "they'll get you killed".   In the six months since the destruction of the commune, Divine's Folley have moved out very successfully, leaving behind very little evidence of their involvement, or anything that could point somone in the direction of their overarching mission. Though several of their members have claimed to have nightmares about attacking The Dream Lord. Everything of the Divine's Folly was moved out of the commune within a month of the incident.   Three months after they left, a new community found the half raized building and starter to rebuild. Those who were part of this community were looking for a new home after leaving the larger districts of Malaton. They community was a mix of many different ancestries who were wishing to create a new village or at least settlment that would be a home for all and create a good trade route with the northen parts of the province. In two months they've been there, they have established the commune as the newly renamed La Margal after a sign they found which had those words written upon them, and what looked to the people like ancient ruins.  

Notable People


  • Marson Riffe – Leader of the new settlers and founder of La Margal, Former Musician under Lord Carmelon's Troop of Wonders.
  • Arla Marrin-Bovouir – Blacksmith
  • Whendal Torrile – Apothecary Owner
  • Borin Boran – Farmer


  • Rasha Amann – Famous veteran and the leader of Divine's Folly
  • General Eren-kar – Military Commander of Divine's Folly.
  • Archivist Elenor Hugh – Academic Scholar, Member of Divine's Folly and former Diamond of Obsidian Forge.
  • Lorr Marasin – Member of Divine's Folly


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