Music Ambiance I Use When Writing in Niya-Yur | World Anvil

Music Ambiance I Use When Writing

My wife made me get a massive TV for my office/gaming/RPG/project room. She said it was because we were going to turn it into a family theater room. I'm still resisting that!   But, now that I have this unbelievably big TV.   What the heck should I do?   Well, I discovered that there are some nice ambiance videos. Most of them are just a couple of hours of music with looped in stupid noises like "victorian ambiance 55 minutes of rain with crows and horses." Crud after listening to that one for just 15 minutes I could tell which of the two silly horse passings was going to loop, the crows kept having an "echo" effect to distraction, and the rain... never mind.   I do have some specific ones I put on because:
  1. They are very long-running
  2. They make my birds sing softly to themselves (which is super cute and where I got the word churling from)
  3. They really work well for background ambiance
  4. They look good on that massive TV (if I don't pay attention I can let myself drift feeling I'm there)
  My selection criteria are not complicated:
  1. At least 4 hours long (but there are not many of them so I live with shorter ones if they are superior)
  2. Mostly instrumental works (if I start singing along I'm not working on my stuff)
  3. Mostly fixed POC with a little bit of motion is nice (anything with constantly shifting pictures or scanning pictures is right out cause it is too distracting)
  4. Specific ambiance for different moods (it helps to have bard stuff for fantasy and battles, jazz for steampunk, etc.)
  5. Preferably coffee shop, old libraries, castles, or outdoor cafes (cause those are places I wish I was able to go sit and work at)

General Writing Ambiance


Best for Endless Horizons Work


Best for Dagger Tales Work


Best for RPG

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Cover image: by Leeland Artra


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