Fendrel Crewe Character in Niya-Yur | World Anvil

Fendrel Crewe

Fendrel Crewe

Fendrel is a slightly conceited 58-year-old human male barber. He is happily married to his second wife, his first died in childbirth of their first child who also died. He feels he was not attentive enough to his diety and now is a cautious man who wants to know every side of a story before expressing an opinion. He feels lucky to have found a home in Sendel and is very charitable with his money and support. Fendrel is medium height but beefy with plenty of muscles. His lean face is heavily pockmarked and he keeps a neat mustache. His long, wavy, blond hair is always neatly combed and braided. He has green eyes.
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Fendrel is a slightly conceited 65-year-old human male barber. He is happily married to his second wife, his first died in childbirth of their first child who also died. He feels he was not attentive enough to his diety and now is a cautious man who wants to know every side of a story before expressing an opinion. He feels lucky to have found a home in Sendel and is very charitable with his money and support. Fendrel is medium height but beefy with plenty of muscles. His lean face is heavily pockmarked and he keeps a neat mustache. His long, wavy, blond hair is always neatly combed and braded. He has green eyes.

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Long, wavy, blond
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

Cover image: by Leeland Artra


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