Silver Wolves Species in NEW WORLD SAME TRIS | World Anvil

Silver Wolves

There is no beast fluffier than the Silver Wolves. These massive creatures are a signiture animal of certain Unull Tribes that raise them and care for them and ride them on raids and into battle. Taking care of them is not easy and maintaining a flourishing pack even more so, but the rewards are definitely worth the effort. Silver Wolves are fiercly loyal, induce fears into many of the settlers and are also incredibly fast. For the life of nomads, they are more reliable and favourable than horses, even though there are tribes that would disagree and wouldn't change their horse for one of these puppies no matter how cute or fierce they are.   Besides being used as a battle animal and for riding, their mane is also used in making different fabric materials that are very soft and cozy especially for winter clothing, which are considered a luxury at many places. Not anyone can afford to buy them and or to get to a wolf close enough for it to let it be brushed.   These animals are incredibly smart and it is possible to train them well. Besides battle assistance and a snuggle buddy during the harsh winter months in the steps, the pack can also work as food gatherers. They can be taught to search for different smells and help out with acquiring different edible root plants or medicinal herbs or mushrooms. Or they can be taught to hunt other smaller animals than they are, which is very useful for the life in the Western Plains where the weather is so fickle that growing any produce on a large scale and regularly is almost an impossible mission. A favourite hunting technique is to shoot wild birds with bow and arrow and let your wolf run and fetch it for you.


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