Ar Remena Settlement in Nehwon | World Anvil

Ar Remena

Ar Remena, the resplendent capital of the Kingdom of Minethol, stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of the House of Rūhn. Conceived as a symbol of unity and strength, the city's layout is a marvel of architectural foresight and strategic design, reflecting the royal family's vision and the kingdom's prosperity.   At the heart of Ar Remena lies the Citadel of Rūhn, an imposing fortress that merges defensive might with regal splendor. Its spires reach towards the sky, a beacon for all who seek the grace of the royal family. Encircling the citadel is the Grand Promenade, lined with statues of past monarchs and heroes of Menethil, each figure carved from marble that gleams like frost under the moonlight.   The city itself is divided into distinct quarters, each serving a specific function yet seamlessly integrated into the overall tapestry of urban life. The Noble Quarter, with its grand manors and lush gardens, is home to the kingdom's elite, while the Merchants' District buzzes with traders from distant lands, offering exotic goods and the hum of commerce. The Artisans' Precinct is a hive of creativity, where the clink of hammers and the hiss of forges craft the wonders for which Menethil is famed.   The Scholars' Enclave houses the vaunted Library of Echoes, a repository of knowledge so vast that it is said one could spend a lifetime within its walls and still not uncover all its secrets. Nearby, the Temples of the Divines rise in graceful arches, their bells chiming in harmonious symphony to call the faithful to reflection.   Ar Remena is not only a political and cultural center but also a beacon of learning and innovation. The Royal Academy of Ar Remena attracts minds keen on furthering the sciences and arts, while the city's many theaters and galleries ensure that culture flourishes alongside intellect.   The city's strategic location on the banks of the River Thalrenn allows it to thrive as a trade hub, with the Grand Docks teeming with ships and barges. The river itself is spanned by the majestic Bridge of Unity, a symbol of the Rūhn dynasty's commitment to the cohesion of their realm.   Yet, despite its grandeur and bustle, Ar Remena is replete with green spaces. The Royal Gardens are an oasis of tranquility, boasting exotic flora and serene ponds, while the Common Greens provide a space for the city's inhabitants to gather and enjoy the open air.   Ar Remena, under the stewardship of the House of Rūhn, continues to shine as the jewel of Menethil, a city that melds the strength of its people with the elegance of royal ambition, standing as a proud monument to a lineage that has shaped the course of history for over three millennia.


The storied House of Rūhn ascended to the throne of the Kingdom of Minethol in the year 792 AQ, during an era marked by tumultuous power struggles and the fragmentation of the land. The House of Rūhn was not the most powerful among the noble families vying for control, but it was renowned for its shrewd diplomacy and the rare ability to unite disparate factions.   The founder of the royal line, Emeric Rūhn, was a charismatic leader and a skilled negotiator who managed to forge an alliance with the influential Guild of Mages and the revered Order of the Sentinel Knights. With this formidable backing, Emeric Rūhn orchestrated a peaceful coup, outmaneuvering his rivals not through force but through a series of strategic marriages, promises of reform, and political maneuvering that secured him the crown.   The early rule of the House of Rūhn was defined by Emeric's vision of a centralized power that could bring stability to a fractured kingdom. His establishment of a codified system of laws and the creation of a council of advisors drawn from various sectors of society were revolutionary at the time and laid the groundwork for sustained governance.   The House of Rūhn's continued rule for over 3000 years can be attributed to several key factors:  
  • Dynastic Marriages:

    The Rūhns often strengthened their position through marriages that both expanded their influence and secured alliances with powerful families across the land and even with other kingdoms.
  • Military Prowess:

    Each generation of the Rūhn dynasty was trained in warfare and strategy, ensuring that the kingdom was well-defended against both external invasions and internal revolts.
  • Economic Stability:

    The House of Rūhn implemented policies that promoted trade, encouraged innovation, and secured Menethil’s wealth, making it an economic powerhouse that could weather political and social upheavals.
  • Cultural Patronage:

    By fostering the arts, sciences, and religion, the Rūhns cultivated a strong national identity and loyalty among their subjects, which in turn solidified their rule.
  • ]Legal and Administrative Reform:

    Continuous reform of the legal and administrative systems ensured that governance was efficient and adapted to changing times, keeping the kingdom stable and the populace content.
  • Espionage and Information Control:

    The Rūhns understood the power of information. They established a network of spies and informants throughout the kingdom and beyond to thwart plots against them before they could take hold.
  • Divine Legitimacy:

    The Rūhns claimed divine favor, often asserted through public rituals, ceremonies, and the construction of monumental works like temples and palaces, which solidified their image as chosen rulers, ordained to lead.
  • /ul]   The unbroken reign of the House of Rūhn was also facilitated by their adaptability. They were quick to adopt new technologies and ideas that kept them ahead of potential rivals. In times of discontent, they were not above making concessions to the common folk, thus often preventing dissent from escalating into rebellion.   This long legacy was broken in the year 2950 RJ when Huron Frostmountain V took rulership of Minethol at the young age of 20 years old. The ruler of Minethol, King Brace Rūhn, had died during The Plague of Bats, along with two-thirds of the population of Minethol before the plague had run its course. Brace had died without a successor; the initial plan was for Huron to sit as regent on Minethol's throne until geneaologists could determine a birth-right successor. None could be found, or so the public story went. In all reality, Trenn Rūhn, a nephew to King Brace was alive and well, however Huron Frostmountain V enjoyed his rulership and did not want to give it up. Trenn was held in Royal Captivity to the end of his days. He was not allowed to marry or procreate, so that effectively, the Rūhn Dynasty would end with him.
Founding Date
792 AQ
Alternative Name(s)
Inhabitant Demonym
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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