The Eternal Codex

The Eternal Codex holds a comprehensive knowledge base of all that exists within the Nexus and beyond. Maintained by The Collective and SAGE as a core part of the Guidance Project Initiative, the Codex is updated frequently as data gets compiled and transferred into the Codex. For easier browsing, the Eternal Codex is divided and categorized into subsections based on the entry in question.

Natural Elements and Materials

All known natural elements and materials located within the Nexus and beyond can be found within this category; for easier browsing, this is also divided into subsections.
Primordial Elements
Generic article | Feb 21, 2023

The Primordial Elements are the oldest elements on record, being even older than the Nexus itself.

Nexus Native Elements
Generic article | Feb 11, 2023

WIP Section for Nexus Native Elements

Powerful Organizations

Organizations that have at least reached K3 in Development will get listed here in the Powerful Organizations Groups. This goes for both Nexus Native organizations and groups that originate from the outside. Just like the Natural Elements section, this has been divided into subsections for easier browsing.
Nexus Native Organizations
Generic article | May 13, 2023

Nexus native organizations that have at least reached K3 in Development will get listed here

Documents and Journals

Known Documents, historical records, Myths, and even some old Journals originally written by Merlin and the Celestial Grand Scientist can be found in this category. Just like the sections above, this has been divided into subsections for easier browsing.
The Lost Journals
Generic article | Feb 11, 2023

The Lost Journals, said to have once been written by Merlin himself.

Myths and Legends
Generic article | Feb 15, 2023

With all the worlds that exist within the Nexus and Beyond, its only natural that their inhabitants would eventually create their own Myths and Legends. One can find a list of Myths here.


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