Seek a new dawn, in Malkora!

Uris Braena

Great nation of the Eastwind, sister to She of the Westwind, the great mountains between them fail to keep them apart. How beautiful, to maintain kinship through what many may consider an impossible barrier — so simply was it conquered, through unity.
— Poetic historian, enamoured by his homeland
  Uris Braena is a region in Nothern Nefyran, occupying the lands east of the Rhonsoril Mountain Range, in addition to much of the mountains' eastern purchase.

Mountain Living

Uris Braena's capital, Fiffan, is a capital shared between this region and Uris Halnaa on the western side of the mountain range and is among the largest of Nefyran's capital cities. Large and prosperous, travelers from all walks of life pass through Fiffan, whether as a route safely to the other side of the mountains or simply as a stop during travels north or south between the regions of Central and Northeastern Nefyran. Though there are shorter paths across the mountain outside of passage through Fiffan which, arguably, adds a fair amount of time to any trip, it is by far the safest option to travel through Fiffan instead of braving the untamed mountain for a shorter path through.   Much of Uris Braena's land is rugged and mountainous, with water sources flowing down from the mountains in numerous locations. Beautiful waterfalls are all around the eastern side of Fiffan, the largest dropping directly into the lake which sits below the city's gates. Masters of mountain life, Uris Braena is home to an abundance of mining operations, bringing large quantities of ores and other stone resources to the city for trading and exporting, or for investing in their own crafts. Mines are a common sight tucked away in many settlements along the mountain range, as well as while traveling between these settlements. Cave systems discovered by the people of Uris Braena often become converted into caves about as soon as they can be confirmed safe enough to tamper with.
Kingdom in the Mountains, key to passage to the western lands. Safe travels, adventurers.
Northern Nefyran
Uris Halnaa
Kingdom of Arsavela
Urisian; Braea
Come, Faithful
Within Uris Braena is one of the Church of Dawn's scattered footholds.   This large monastery is offered as a sanctuary to all, and is a common pilgrimage location for faithful hailing from the Kingdom of Arsavela to the east, and offers respite to those who are sick, tired, or hurt in any way.
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Seeker — Player Knowledge
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Urisian Yaks & Crafts

Though the mountains can prove dangerous, there are those who make their life upon them. These people are often keepers of livestock such as the Urisian Yak, which produces a wool which is popular in the region for producing clothing, decorations, rope, and other much-desired products. The versatility of the material allows Urisian crafters many options for what they can make a living with, as well as how they may express themselves.

Tradition in the Herd

The ring of a bell, the ring of many,
Each note has a name, and each name a note.
We remember them all, the tune they play,
It is the heart of the herd, the song they wrote.
— Excerpt from Urisian folk poem.
The urisian yak is as much a creature kept as livestock as much as they are a deeply valued part of mountain culture. Each urisian yak calf given a bell on the day they are born, which is attached to intricately woven and unique cords, decorated with all manner of embellishments. Celebrations are held once the bell on a baby yak begins to regularly ring less erratically, as it is an indicator that the baby has grown steady on its feet and is on its way to surviving into adulthood.  
If a baby yak is unable to grow into stronger senses of stability, it is often a sign that the yak may not survive for very long. Even when taken care of by farmers, it becomes far too easy for a grown yak to fall from the mountain cliffs if their senses are not honed, and rescue can prove to be incredibly perilous for animal and keeper both.
When a domesticated urisian yak passes on, its bell is hung on the farm along with its cord on a wall designated only for this purpose. Embellishments added to the yak bell or cord while the yak was alive are typically removed and reused; only the cord and bell must remain as part of the tradition.   Urisian superstition states that whenever a gust of wind jostles the bells upon the wall, it means the yak's spirit is visiting its old home and must be welcomed home by name.  
Urisian yak bells are all constructed to be unique in their appearance, their sound, and their cords, so these yak keepers spend a great deal of time getting to know their animals, and what their bells look like, and what they sound like when they chime.

Cover image: by Strixxline


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