Champions' Pact Document in Malkora | World Anvil

Seek a new dawn, in Malkora!

Champions' Pact

We must join together, the strongest of us all, and lead our people. Too long, we have laid down and accepted what we saw as an inevitable fate. We may have been right, back then. Now, however, you must see that all is not lost.   A Divine has come to us. She has given us light where there was none before.   As we look upon our broken homes, to the blackened skies, and scorched earth, we must see that this is our only option. Our last hope. No; this is our new hope.
— Mal'kor, addressing those who would become the Champions of Nhaderys
  The Champions' Pact is an agreement made between the Champions of Nhaderys and the goddess herself at the turn of the era, the first of the Champions being Mal'kor. This pact was the beginning of many monumental strides for Malkora which changed the world for the better.

Destiny in Our Hands

For the first time in anyone's lifetime, suddenly there was hope brewing in the world. When Mal'kor began her journey and sought out others to join her cause, she became the very first to take the Champions' Pact, becoming the first Champion of Nhaderys. In time, others would make the same pact with the goddess and lead their people in battle against the dark forces plaguing the realm.

The First

The first person to follow in Mal'kor's footsteps and take the Champion's Pact was the Boharin, Nessir Lirdrith. With Nessir's devotion, the god Aasimus was born, and the Alabaster Hand formed from the army he led against the dark forces threatening the broken Boharin populations.

The pact that set in motion great changes, casting the darkness from the realm.

Record, Historical
Oral Tradition / Word of Mouth

Difficult Agreements

Despite everything, Mal'kor's most difficult quest was finding fellow believers to take her journey with her, or at the very least take her seriously. With the world long beset by despair, many were quick to assume she had fallen to madness once she began mentioning the Divine.
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Cover image: by Strixxline


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