Port Requiem Building / Landmark in Luridity | World Anvil

Port Requiem

Remember me this way...

Port Requiem was the first implementation of a spaceport, created by the Overlords at the same time as the initial seeding of the Galaxy. Located in the Centralvest Zone of Luridity Galaxy, the port initially housed a mixture of extranaturally enhanced humans and Kynd, as well as others of both species engineered closer to their original genetic lines.   Regretfully, contained areas separated from the vacuum of space by metal alloys and shielding don't mix well with superpowered beings capable of punching through the hull or prone to overexcited bursts of laser vision. The settlement did not last long before the entire population was exposed to the cosmos.  


Upon Centralvest's planetary civilizations reaching space, the ruins of Port Requiem were discovered by a lone scout ship. The pilot radioed in a distress call, astonished by the enormity of the wreckage. It was immediately swarmed by technologists, scientists, and explorers in various fields looking for potential secrets from these strangers among the stars.   One theory has emerged proposing that the beings who had lived there weren't strangers at all. Those in favor of this stance suggest that during whatever incident occured, escape pods were launched, scattering to the various star systems of the Centralvest Zone. There, survivors settled on the habitable worlds, and from them the civilizations known today were born. Technological and biological tests completed thus far to prove this theory have been inconclusive.  

Cultural Significance

It took a full galactic year to map the construct, but once complete, engineers utilized the spaceport as a blueprint to create more of the huge structures. After, of course, much research to ensure that what had happened to the people who'd perished there was not due to anything mechanical. The historical incident looked to be perpetuated by the inhabitants themselves--perhaps even beginning as a brawl in what was identified as a crew's mess hall--so there was no need to do more than reinforce the hulls in order to prevent such a disaster happening in the new ports.   Restoration of Port Requiem, however, has yet to be undertaken. This may be due to disputes regarding ownership...or it could be due to a number of myths and superstitions that sprang up during the mapping project, passed along during meal breaks and elaborated on by both workers and their listeners alike.

Cover image: by DaniAdventures (design elements via Canva, background generation by Midjourney, logo by TJ Trewin)


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