Trienni Species in Luchair: Earth Beyond the Veil | World Anvil
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The Blooded Hunters

The Trienni are no mere huntsmen or predators - they are the apex predators of the world. Having called the middling plains of Tawdrii home, they stalked the tall grasses, rolling hills & dense forests of their region for hundreds of ages. As a collective history of the Trienni was never compiled, and the elders of their race care little for stories other than those of the hunt, much of the oral history of the Trienni is lost to time.  

Lust for the Hunt

The Trienni lifestyle surrounds their obsession with the hunt, to the point that the very driving force behind every decision they make often focuses on the next hunt. In the present, the Trienni walk a fine line between the most important & the least wanted races among the court - bringing the counties they favor bountiful treasures from the countryside. This also makes the Trienni much more likely to have their lust for predation exploited by the Hunt.

Basic Information


The Trienni are notably quite tall & large when compared to their Human counterparts. In addition to a larger, more athletic muscular structure & more material-dense skeletal structure, the Trienni sport a venomous, barbed tail that protrudes from their tailbone.

Biological Traits

The female specimens of the Trienni are notably larger, stronger & more aggressive than their male counterparts by a wide margin. Because of the violent & belligerent nature of their race, the life-span of any given Trienni generally depends on their personal capability to suppress their overwhelming predacious urges.   A potent tranquillizer within the tail of the Trienni is capable of sedating most creatures up to the size of a horse with a single 1ml dose.

Growth Rate & Stages

Trienni take approximately nineteen years from the date of their birth to reach adulthood - this period varies based on a multitude of factors including but not limited to;
  • Diet
  • Family Genetics
  • Gender
During this time, a Trienni will invariably experience a sudden & intense premonition known as The First Blood that drives them to capture & form a bond with another subject.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Trienni are Voracious and must consume freshly killed, living things. There is a strong preference among the Trienni for animal flesh - especially deer, rabbit, ground-nesting birds, snake & celestial.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Trienni do not follow an established social structure, but instead, keep a tally of their prey marked someplace on their body. Trienni generally differ respect to those who are more blooded than themselves - and lying about the number of your prey is considered a dishonour worthy of a painful demise.

Facial characteristics

The Trienni feature slitted eyes with reflective, vibrant iris colorations with slanted, narrowed gazes. Trienni have pointed ears not much longer than humans, and often decorate them with a number of miscellaneous articles, often rather vicious or tribal in nature.

Average Intelligence

The Trienni are of relatively average intelligence, with no particular advantages or disadvantages when compared to their Human counterparts.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Trienni have incredibly astute vision & hearing, capable of spotting an unobstructed subject from a distance of upwards of three kilometres without the use of visual magnification, and easily discerning whispered conversations in a crowded amphitheatre. The Trienni's massive sensory capabilities are offset by their near-complete incapability for magical insight, leaving them at a natural disadvantage when compared to other races.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

The Trienni find scars & marks gained in the hunt to be beautiful, and show them off as often and prominently as possible. All other beauty ideals are highly personal & vary from individual to individual.

Gender Ideals

Females are expected to be more physically, socially & sexually dominative than their male counterparts - as the biologically larger & stronger of the two genders present within the Trienni, physical or mechanically difficult tasks are often entrusted to the females of their race.   Males are expected to be subdued & gracious when approached by their female counterparts - as the biologically smaller & weaker of the two genders present within the Trienni, repetitive & menial tasks are often entrusted to the males of their race.   Both Female & Male genders of the Trienni race are expected to be capable hunters & predators.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship in Trienni society is usually initiated by the female and relies upon her capability to prove to her desired partner her excellence in the hunt & deep bond to them. This can take the form of many different steps, processes, methods & rituals, often quite severe in nature:
  • Stalking
  • Kidnapping
  • Gifts of prey
  • Gifts of trophies
  • Cooperative hunting
As there is no specific societal expectation on homosexual or heterosexual relationships, this process can take place between any Trienni of any gender.

Relationship Ideals

Relationships within the Trienni are hetero or homosexual; an ideal relationship within the Trienni society is often extended, with multiple Trienni involved in a single relationship group.

Common Dress Code

The Trienni tend to prefer clothing that is light & shows as much of their skin as possible, to highlight the scars they have earned during the hunt, and increase the likelihood of earning more.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Upon coming of age, some Trienni participate in the First Blood, a ritualistic hunt that begins with a premonition of their mark.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Trienni are always on thin ice with other species - their predacious tendencies & cult-like obsession with the hunt oftentimes raises suspicion of all those they encounter & adds an almost terrifying air to even the most mundane of conversations.
by yi
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Homo Sapiens Devorator
127 Years
Conservation Status
The Trienni are not under any special conservation status, no specific steps are being undertaken to ensure the growth or survival of their race.
Average Height
2.1 meters / 6'11"
Average Weight
113kg (249lb)
Average Physique
Athletic built musculature & skeletal structure, tall, robust, well rounded for equal stamina & strength.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The Trienni sport the full range of human body tints & colorations, but can change their melanin concentration at will - resulting in the capability to adapt their skin tone to what is best for their surroundings.
Related Ethnicities

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