Kindred Ethnicity in Luchair: Earth Beyond the Veil | World Anvil
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The Many, The Few

Kindred are an ethnic group tied directly to The Grand Courts by ancient Bonds formed in The Heart of Tawdrii. Hundreds of races in composition & united by a complex network of courts, councils & tribes in fealty to The Grand Courts, Kindred vary greatly in their appearance & capabilities - but are united by Magic. In the wake of The Collapse, their homeworld of Tawdrii was condemned to The Void, taking with it many of the Kindred's Memories & populace. Lead by their leaders through The Veil, Kindred emerged into the new world of Earth & now struggle to secure their right to life on a new Worldly plane.   Facing down an existential threat the likes of which none but The Root World have defied, the great number of Kindred lost during The Collapse & the migration to a new world has left Kindred society crippled, seeking a new lease on life.  

Hidden Among Humanity

While the vast majority of Kindred have returned to the familiar leadership of the Grand Courts, those who have seen their bonds weakened have remained hidden among Human society, crafting articulate & complex identities through which they continue to remain immersed among the Fruit of the new world. Separatists from the courts, these Kindred refuse the Authority of their former governors & the nobility, striking out on their own & often clashing with larger Kindred society.  

At Home in Their Havens

At threat both by threats external - such as The Hunt - and the internal Feuds of the fractured nobility that lead the courts, Kindred have set down roots worldwide in reserve-like Counties that they call home. Isolated from the largest part of Human society & granted a great deal of autonomy by the Countries which play host to them, the Havens of Kindred are bastions of technology & Magic far outstripping that of the most Fated human societies.  

Fate Above All

United by their Premonitions & Magic, Kindred are driven by a Willpower that sets them apart from the unfated. Strongly connected to their gods & courts, Kindred call upon an understanding of the world inconceivable to all but the Fated - compelled to become more & climb closer to the root of all things and realize their fate. All Kindred share in their experience of premonitions, and the insatiable need to strengthen their ties to fate brings them to prominence among all others.  

Gods Among Us

The most Ascendant of Kindred achieve an understanding & power over the world which can only be described as godly, manipulating the most complex & fundamental forces in existence to perpetuate their pursuit of fate. Often embroiled in the larger politics & conflicts of the greater gods, Ascendant Kindred defy conventional understanding, crafting plots & magics that boggle the mind & escape explanation. Worshiped by cults of followers or entire religions, the deities of Kindred manifest untold power to serve their own interests or that of their Patron.  

Beyond Convention

Many of the technologies & magics crafted by Kindred overly defy the laws of understanding which had guided Humanity since the origin of their sapience. From their fundamental understanding of Telepathy to the world-shaking catalysts & city-sized airships they use to dominate warfare, the awe which even the most basic of Kindred inspire in the unfated has inspired a new age of understanding & entire new branches of scientific study that are only beginning to scratch the surface of transforming Human society. Both terrific & terrible, the experiments & explorations into the Arcane has produced both fear and amazement internationally & the knowledge-trade that Kindred society offers to the world remains the single largest asset which The Grand Courts have bargained with the nations of Earth.  

A Conflict With the Status Quo

Seen by the Ascendant of the new world as unwelcome invaders the courts are locked in strife with the forces of the world they have emerged into. Beset on all sides by threats arcane & conventional, the never-ending conflict that the Kindred have sparked with the Ancients of their new world has brought to bear a new class of warfare for the fledgling Worldly plane, seeing their greatest mythologies & histories revived by the arrival of new forces. Lead by the Order of Auditors, a war against the newly reinvigorated legends of Earth has steered new expeditions into the furthest corners of the world & its larger sphere of planes, bringing with it the emergence of deities wishing to defend their claim.

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