Dragon Crows Species in Lothrea | World Anvil

Dragon Crows

This article is depicting a potential future of this world. Some events in here might not have happened yet and will be changed by the actions of the players involved in this world. Until these campaigns have concluded, this article will exist in a superposition between existance and non-existance.   Some version of this article will survive, but who knows what it will be when all of this is over
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The Whispering Fields are one of the scariest places in the whole world. This area is twisted, broken and flat out horrible. And the things living here, are even more terrifing than you could ever imagine. Demons, Devils, Monstrosities, you name it, you will find it. Your worst nightmares and than even worse than that. Dragon Crows are probably the most normal ones, and that has something to say. These birds look like crows, but they are as big as freaking dragons and can easily carry away whole carts in their claws.
  Dragon Crows are Crows that are the size of full Adult Dragons. The biggest ones sighted so far, where as big as a small house. Luckily those creatures mostly stay within the Whispering Fields and hunt other monstrosities, but from time to time, they attack traverlers, ships and merchant traveling along the Fields. Those attacks are bloody and deadly, and nobody has survived such an attack so far. The only accounts of those attacks are the destroyed carts, wrecked corpses and descriptions from afar.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Those creatures can only be found inside the Whispering Fields. No one knows where they come from or what created them, but those terrifying beasts wrack havok on everyone entering the Fields, and sometimes even travelers alongside it.

Average Intelligence

The physique of this creature is terrifying enough, but they show an abover average intelligence. They wait for the perfect moment to attack, attack the vulnerable targets first and strike quickly and deadly. Within a few minutes, the attack is over, the crow flies away with their pray, leaving behind only corpses and destruction.
Work in Progress

This article is still heavily WIP and can change at any moment



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