
Basic Information


Humans are medium sized beings, and fit the description 'humanoid' perfectly, the term being named after them. They have two arms, and two legs, standing up straight with their heads facing forwards. In many ways, humans are the most average of the mortal races, not being taller or shorter, stronger or weaker than any of the other mortals, but in and of themselves, they are the most varied amongst themselves. Humans vary greatly in stature, strength, and appearance, and more than any other mortals, humans adapt to their environment efficiently and effectively.

Biological Traits

Humans vary greatly, in almost every aspect of their appearance. From height, weight, strength, to skin, hair, and eye colour, people vary throughout the world. However, ethnic groups of humans are more similar, and the large variations between people are usually split down ethnic lines.

Genetics and Reproduction

Humans reproduce sexually between males and females of the same species. Females will give birth to live babies after a nine month gestation period, during which the baby will grow inside, and be sustained by, the mother. Human babies will inherit genetic traits from the father and mother, usually selected between the two at random, though some traits are genetically dominant.   Humans are able to reproduce with other mortal races, which can result in cross-bred races, such as Half-Elves and Half-Orcs.

Growth Rate & Stages

Humans begin their life as dependant babies, and require help for even the most basic of functions for the first few years of their lives. They begin to walk about one year after they are born, and can speak soon afterwards. While they are young, they are incredibly capable of learning new things, and it's in their first 25 years that they form most of their habits and knowledge. Around the age of 13, humans usually begin developing into adults capable of reproduction, which is accompanied by rapid physical changes. Humans usually become independent from their parents at around age 16-20, at which point, depending on their culture, they will usually move out from their immediate family, and begin a new family of their own.

Ecology and Habitats

Humans are one of the most adaptable species of the major mortal races, able to live in a vast variety of environments. Humans are most comfortable living in temperatures around 18 degrees Celsius, but have been known to be able to live well below freezing, and as hot as 45. Their cultures and physical appearance change quite drastically depending on the environment in which they live. As long as there is air to breathe, food to eat, and water to drink, humans will probably be able to live there.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Humans are most commonly omnivorous, able to eat a large variety of foods, though only requiring water and substance of some kind to survive. Depending on what sorts of food are available around them, humans are able to adapt to whatever diet they can get. Most human cultures have developed some form of agriculture, and have learned to support many more people than are needed to produce their food. They have learned how to store their foods well, in granaries and storehouses, using salt, fermentation, and other methods to keep foods good to eat for long periods of time.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Humans have historically been organised in hierarchical social structures, with the vast majority of the species preferring service rather than leadership. However, if their leaders are unkind, humans are likely to revolt, and unite under a different leader. They are proud, and value freedom, though few choose to live anarchically or communally. Whether living under the rule of a God, a Titan, or another human, the Race of Man is most comfortable being led.   The few humans that desire power are usually looked down upon morally, though good leaders who serve sacrificially are held up above all others in glory.   Humans have organised themselves in almost every societal structure conceivable, though most humans default to a system of monarchical government, with a single leader ruling a small or large group of people.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

In some parts of the world, humans, more than any other race, are used as slaves. The practice has largely gone out of style in the world, but due to their seeming willingness to serve, some parts of the world still exploit them for their ability to carry out difficult tasks. Most often, other mortal races hold humans as slaves, though rarely, dominant humans have been known to carry out the practice on their own brethren.

Facial characteristics

Male humans have the capacity to grow facial hair, though not nearly as impressively as Dwarves. Mostly humans vary their facial appearance in small genetic differences. Their noses, mouths, cheeks, and ears can all vary in size and shape. While these changes are often small and unnoticeable to other mortals, humans use these small variations to distinguish between one another.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Humans are one of the most pervasive species throughout Iatar, and have moved to inhabit most of the landmasses. Other than Zhamaes and Jorvun, humans can be found almost everywhere you look.

Average Intelligence

Humans are usually not very educated, though most are capable of more than they think. They can learn very quickly, though due to their short lifespan, they are not usually able to reach the intellectual heights of the longer-lived races. Humans are, however, some of the most inventive beings in Iatar, and are responsible for much of the technological and magical advancement that has been achieved throughout Iatar.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Humans, along with other humanoid races, can perceive the world through five major senses. Sight through two eyes facing forwards on their head, and sound through two ears on the sides of their head. They can taste through their tongues in the mouths, and smell through their nose. Finally, they can feel physical contact through most of the skin on their bodies.   They have no natural extra-natural senses, though humans are very capable of learning magical techniques to enhance their perception. Humans also have the strange ability to improve remaining senses if they lose access to one or more of their senses. For instance, if a human becomes blind, or is born blind, often their hearing will improve to aid them in navigating the world without access to sight.

Civilization and Culture


The History of Man can be traced back to the Era of Titan's Rule, when Maelar, the Man created the Race of Man in imitation of Dracaris, the Dragon's creation of the Dragons. Men quickly became the most numerous of the mortal races, mostly due to their shorter lifespans, and their lack of a racial nemesis. Maelar used Men ruthlessly as his mortal army in his wars against the other Titans.   It was out of the Race of Man that mortals finally freed themselves from the grip of the Titans. It was Gorandar, the Wizard who discovered the secret of Divine Ascension, and it was Tor who defeated Dracaris during the final battle of The Great Clash. As a result of this, the Race of Man has been fairly dominant throughout the time of Skjorvir's Order. Tor is one of the most powerful Gods in the current time, and humans have gained prominence throughout the physical world.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Race of Man has no racial nemesis, though their relationship with Orcs and any sub-races associated with Orcs has been historically strained. Throughout history, humans have formed alliances with many of the other mortal races of Iatar, as well as going to war with them.
Major Mortals
60-80 years
Average Height
5 - 6.5 feet
Average Weight
110-200 lbs
Average Physique
Humans are one of the weaker races on average, though they are capable of becoming quite strong. They're able to condition their bodies to fit many different conditions and physical tasks.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Humans are coloured depending on their environment, and this trait is passed on genetically. They vary between dark brown, all the way to very pale. Humans also commonly have discolourations on their skin, usually as a reaction to the sun, but also as random markings from birth.   Other than skin, humans eyes are varied in colour, with brown, blue, green, and hazel being the most common. Their hair is usually black, brown, blonde, or red, and becomes grey or white with age.


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