Start of a Battle in Hummel Quest | World Anvil

Start of a Battle

Tanks are built for battle. In a typical combat encounter, there are two parties – you and potential allies against at least one enemy. Many things happen at once in a battlefield, but to represent this in a way that doesn’t cause a complete mayhem, battles in HUMMEL QUEST are organized into rounds, which are split up into turns.   Each turn represents 3 seconds in the game world.   Each combatant acts in a particular turn order, which is decided at the beginning and throughout the battle. It is determined by every combatant rolling for their Initiative. Every combatant gets one turn per round. When everyone has acted, the Initiative is determined again and the combatants act again according to their new order, until one side has won or the battle ends for another reason.


  1. Ambush? The MM decides whether any side gets an advantage on their first Initiative roll.
  2. Take Positions. The MM decides where all combatants are located.
  3. Roll Initiative. Every combatant rolls a d10 and adds their Ref score as well as any bonuses to the result.
  4. Take turns. Each combatant acts according to their turn order.
  5. Repeat step 4 until the battle ends.


If you and your allies manage to surprise an enemy, you are ambushing it. Any tank that ambushes another adds +2 to its first Initiative roll. It’s also possible that you get ambushed by enemies, in which case the enemies get the +2 bonus on their Initiative roll. Additionally, the ambushed party can't act in the first round of the battle.  


When you are asked to roll Initiative, you roll a d10 and add the Reflexes score of your tank to the result, as well as any other bonuses that are applicable. For example, if your tank has a Reflexes ability score of 3, and you roll a 5 with your d10, you would have an Initiative of 8 for the following round.   Tanks with higher Initiative act first.   If a tie occurs between combatants’ Initiative rolls, the MM will ask you and the tied character or non-player-character to roll an additional d10, until there is no longer a tie.  


During your turn, you can move a distance up to your maximum Speed score and make one interaction.   This doesn’t consume your Interaction Pool, but if your Interaction Pool is 0, you can’t make any interactions as long as it is 0.   You can’t move and interact at the same time, but you can decide whether to move or to interact first. You can even interrupt your move to interact – if you have a Speed score of 30m/round, you can move 10 metres, make an interaction, and move another 20 metres.   Turning on the spot costs 10 m of movement.   You can’t move through another tank or end your movement in the same spot as another tank. You don’t have to move your full Speed score every turn.   You don’t have to move or interact at all.   Some actions don’t count as an interaction and can be done in your turn additionally to interactions/moving – such as speaking, gesticulating, handing an object to another tank, or moving your turret. Keep in mind that your turn only lasts 3 seconds, so while you can use it for example to give quick commands to an ally, you can’t recite a long speech.


Every action that requires an interaction check or counts as such is an interaction, even if there is no actual check done. Examples include:
  • Shooting your weapon(s)
  • Using your arms
  • Ramming an enemy
  • Attempting to push another tank

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