Freely buzzing around the meadows, the Hommel is a staple animal in Eshil. This furry flier is no larger than a centimeter in most cases, with exceptionally large ones reaching two centimeters in length. They are harmless to man, woman, and child, as long as they aren't stuck anywhere.
"Daddy look, what is fuzzy thing on the flowers?" A young girl excitedly points at the green and black striped insect.
"That, my dear, is a Hommel."
"What is it doing with the flower?"
"It's making sure that it will bloom again next year, so we always have a colourful city full of blossoms."
"That, my dear, is a Hommel."
"What is it doing with the flower?"
"It's making sure that it will bloom again next year, so we always have a colourful city full of blossoms."
Strength in Numbers
Even though the Hommel is a harmless fellow, the people of Eshil know not to mess with it. When it is stuck or it feels very threatened, it will use one of its two main ways to fend off predators. The hommel has a powerful and equally painful bite. They will bite multiple times, injecting a single droplet of venom every time. When this proves ineffective, the Hommel uses its stinger as a last resort. This method releases all the venom at once, but also results in the death of the little creature as they cannot live without their stinger. The body releases a strong pheromone that alerts the other drones of its death. Those alerted will immediately go to the place where the smell is strongest and attack the predator. The sound of hundreds, of not thousands, of hommels thunder through the air as they zoom towards the aggressor to take part in the barrage. It strikes fear in the hearts of anyone passing near such an attack. Most predators don't survive..Power in Deeds
While most people know not to aggravate, and especially not kill, the Hommel, it is not their strength in numbers that symbolises power. These furry fliers pollenate the flowers and plants in the region. As they feed on the nectar in the flowers, pollen get stuck in their fur and on their legs. While flying to the next one, some of the pollen fall off into the female parts of the plant, fertilising them and ensuring that there will be new growth in the next year. Once arrived at the new blooms, it also pollinates that plant. Depending on the type, these flowers can bear fruit or encourage the growth of (root) vegetables The Hommel brings the consumed nectar back to the hive. Other workers in the hive turn the nectar into honey which is their primary source of food during the colder seasons. Most often, they make too much honey, so people tap the excess honey and use it as a sweetener for cooking. To the people, it is the Hommel that provides them with life because without them, it is impossible to grow food.Crayon Drawing of the Hommel drawn by Yadrill by ShadowPhoenix
Scientific Name
Bombus Billus
4-7 years
Average Height
50 - 120 millimeter
Average Weight
3 - 10 grams
Average Length
70 - 130 millimeter
Geographic Distribution
Lil fluffy friends! Cute presentation from Yadrill! Love it :D
Thank youu! It was fun to make that presentation and put myself in the shoes of a little (patriotic xD) kid ^^