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Atharian Nobility

The nobility of Atharia is the highest society of the plane. They are the law makers and keepers of the land, as well as the administrators of the state. These people are indeed regarded highly, and thus everyone beneath them must follow etiquette when in the presence of a noble.  

Noble Titles

In Atharia, a noble title can be created, exchanged and destroyed. It is a position which is granted to a person based on the succession law of the title or based on one's claim to a title, which can lead to war depending if one presses their claims or not.  

Title Succession

Traditionally, the successor of a title was to be announced by the title holder. The successor, also known as the Heir, was always expected and chosen to be the eldest child of the title holder. This eventually evolved to the custom in which today most title holders in Atharia are extremely expected to follow; a custom which is known as Primogeniture succession. This means the title is passed down to the eldest child of the title holder upon either the death or adjuctication of the title holder.  
I hereby announce I am bowing down as the Count of this realm. Therefore, my daughter shall be granted the title who will ensure the realms prosperity shall continue to florish and grow. I do this with great pride, and for this is in the best interest of the people.
— A speech written in a scroll by a scribe at the abjudication of a Count

Title Claims

Sometimes when a title is granted to a new title holder, or when the holder's choice of an heir is not agreeable with the noble's court there can be those who claim the title ought to be theirs. Typically, this is the sibling of the chosen heir. However, as claims are not official, anyone who has enough support can also be a claiment of a title. Though having a legitimate reason, such as being the sibling of the heir and child of the holder, would help in gaining more support.   This is a dangerous prospect as this can very much lead to war. In fact many title holders would refuse to let go of their title, thus claiments often take their title by force. Many dynasties have fallen due the instability this can cause to a realm. Therefore in order to prevent such measures, title holders must enure their heir is suitable for succession.  

Noble Culture

Noble Culture is the envy of many in Atharia; especially to those in the lower classes of Atharian Society. It is also something to dream of being a part of and to experience. Not only do nobles acquire insurmountable wealth and respect.  


The higher in nobility, the more wealth and prestige is found. It is customary to treat all of the nobles with the utmost respect, honour and courtesy. When people of a lower class of society or when a noble is to address another noble, especially of a higher title. There is a certain etiquette one must follow. Depending on your social class, not following etiquette can simply be an easy trip to the dungeon.


When a noble approaches, whether they are to address you or they are merely walking by, one must bow as a sign of respect and acknowledgement of their authority.

Do not

Look into the eyes of a Noble
Instead one must avert their gaze, preferably they must look down. Unless of course they are speaking to you.
Address them appropriately
Depending on which noble you're addressing you must do so appropriately. Simply by either calling them your lord/lady, king/queen or simply sir/ma'am. Never address them by name.
Disobey your noble
When a noble asks, or tells, you to do something you must comply. Not doing so is a strong sign of disrespect and dishonour.
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Noble Titles

These people are the head of state, or realm. They're who everyone living in, travelling through or located in a particular area must look up to. They are the lawmakers and enforcers of the realm.
Below the head of states are those responsible of the administration of certain regions within a King's or Queen's land known as a Duchy. Dukes and Duchesses are contractually bound to the King/Queen to pay taxes.
Typically a Count or Countess is lieged to a Duke or Duchess of a region. The title of Count has the resposibility of a county region. They are required to manage the affairs of the county they rule, as well as to collect taxes from the lords and ladies beneath them. These taxes would then be used to pay the upkeep of their personal armies and even to pay their own taxes to their liege.

Noble Court

A noble court are the people who are welcomed into the noble's place of residence where they are able to witness the activities which are being held in the noble's throne room. These are highly established individuals who the noble invites for varies reasons.   For example, these individuals could be local community leaders who can help their lord to keep their local communities abide by the noble's decisions.   Members of the court can also be other nobles, who are unlanded; as in those who do not have a Noble Title and have been invited or accepted into the court.

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Dec 31, 2020 14:10 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I like the etiquette section - always good to know how to not get into trouble with the nobles! I also like the section about how titles are inherited and how this can sometimes lead to war if someone else tries to claim them.

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