Tufted Red Squirrel Species in Fillimet | World Anvil

Tufted Red Squirrel

Red tufted squirrels are common across Fillimet and Rol'na due to their tendency to hitch rides with travelers. They are known for their ability to thrive in any environment with suitable food sources and are frequently kept as pets.

Basic Information


Tufted Red Squirrels possess two pairs of limbs ending in five-clawed paws, as well as a bushy tail useful for balance and communication. They can climb down trees upside down courtesy of the ability to rotate their back paws, allowing them to easily maneuver while hanging upside down.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Like most squirrels the tufted red squirrel is an herbivore, relying upon nuts and seeds for the majority of their diet. Fruits and leafy vegetables are used to augment their diet, particularly in the early growing season when the remaining nuts from their winter stashes have begun to sprout.

Additional Information


Red tufted squirrels are a popular although troublesome pet, adept at escape and prone to exploration. While they typically return home after these forays in search of food and companionship, these escapades likely have added to the squirrels' range and population within the wild.

Facial characteristics

Like all squirrels the incisors of red tufted squirrels never stop growing, requiring them to constantly gnaw on plant life to maintain their teeth at a manageable size. Those kept as pets require many toys to gnaw to keep their teeth in check and attempt to prevent them from destroying the furniture.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Tufted red squirrels are highly adaptable, able to make a home for themselves anywhere they find a suitable population of trees and seeding plants, frequently catching rides to new locales among travelers' luggage through the Portal Exchange. Portal Travel does not seem to bother most tufted red squirrels, leading many to believe they are close cousins to the portal-hopping Rainbow Squirrel.   Due to their proclivity for travel these stowaways are a common site in the parks and urban spaces of most settlements across Fillimet and Rol'na. They can also be found in large numbers throughout the temperate forests of both planes.

Average Intelligence

Tufted red squirrels are fast learners, able to navigate the complex mazes of forest canopies or urban rooftops by instinct and memory. Captive squirrels have been recognized as skilled escape artists and puzzle solvers, while also possessing a proclivity to return due to recognition of their keepers and the ready availability of food.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Red tufted squirrels possess perceptive eye sight, courtesy of the placement of their large eyes. Their tactile feeling within their paws is also remarkable, allowing them the speed and agility required for their active tree climbing capabilities.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Sciurus rosa
6 to 12 years
Conservation Status
Least Concern
Average Height
8 to 14 inches
Average Weight
0.8 to 1.8 lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Red tufted squirrels possess a long, reddish fur across most of their bodies, particularly along their tails and the tips of their ears.

Cover image: Painting Oil Photo by Hans Benn


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