Decorporealizer in Fairweather | World Anvil


Good gracious! It worked!

Elisa Goodwright

Members of the Daemoniorum require some sort of host vessel to manifest our Realm and those of similar nature. In the past, the only way to do this was to physically destroy the host and doing so was often fraught with difficulty.   Antony Reeve Story Maskelyne had the insight that the formulae of his former professor, James Maxwell, regarding the nature of the electric and magnetic forces, might be applicable when dealing with the Daemoniorum. Although he has so far been unable to integrate the arcane force into Maxwell's formulae, Story Maskelyne was able to show that it should be possible to disrupt the steady flow of the force.   Together with Elisa Goodwright, he was able to create a device that would create a disruptive field. The first practical test of the device against an actual demon demonstrated that the concept was sound, but the field was far too weak to sever the link to the host body. It was, however, highly successful at annoying the demon in question. This led to the initial efforts to use the device as either bait or something that could herd a demon to a desired location.   Two developments changed these plans. First, Thomas Edison, an American inventor, patented his thermal electron bulbs, which greatly increased the strength of the generated field. Second, a golden skull was discovered in a sealed vault under the Tower of London. That the skull, which had been brought back to England by Francis Drake after his raid on a Spanish convoy in the Americas, had been placed in the vault, rather than placed on display or melted for its gold was curious. The Service was called upon to inspect the object and discovered that it possessed a distinct arcane aura.   The skull would likely have been destined for the Reliquary if Goodwright had not coincidentally tested the device in an adjacent room. Supplied with a surge of power, the skull's arcane aura expanded greatly. The resulting effect was felt throughout Fairweather and resulted in two Service members retiring on the spot. A search through the records turned out Drake's log in which he mentioned that a thunderstorm on the return voyage "caused such terror amongst the crew as had ne'r been known".   Further testing showed the skull to be a most efficient converter of energy from the electric to the arcane. Goodwright and Story Maskelyne incorporated the skull into their device and its first use against a demon proved staggeringly efficacious. At present, it has been successfully used four times, with improvements incorporated after each use. After the second use, it was given the name "decorporealizer" by its inventors.   While the effectiveness of the device is undeniable, it does have a number of characteristics that render it less than optimal. Its size and weight and the need for a number of voltaic cells makes it inconvenient to transport and the Edison tubes are fragile and prone to failure. Its use requires a skilled operator who can adjust the field characteristics for the particular demon and body. Finally, until the nature of the skull's ability to transmute energies is fully understood, the decorporealizer is likely destined to remain a unique tool.



Occult Creature Dissociator



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Investigations Arsenal


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