Russell Wynter

Russell Wynter

Wynter is the very model of an investigator: brave, dogged, and knowledgeable. Having said that, the Service would be better served if he were to accept the position of Section Chief. Sooner or later, he is going to get himself killed and we can't afford the loss.

Service Report, Dated August 14th, 1879

Russell Wynter is the Chief of the Investigations section for the Service. After more than twenty-five years of experience as a field investigator, he has a reputation for aplomb. Serving through a period that has seen considerably more arcane and exotic activity than any in recorded memory, Wynter has racked up a remarkable record of successful investigations.


Wynter was a cavalry officer in the 17th Lancers. During the Crimean War, he was a cornet and fought at the Battle of Balaclava, emerging unscathed from the carnage. This and other similar events attracted the attention of recruiting and Wynter was brought into the Service in 1857. His military background proved useful and he spent five years as a liaison with the Union army in the American Civil War, helping them deal with arcane matters. He would return to America twice more in connection with activities in the western territories.

Service Highlights

The Wooten Bell

Wynter received a commendation for gallantry from General William T. Sherman for his part in the raid to capture the Wooten Bell.

The Ogre of Bath

In 1874, reports of violent disturbances arose in the city of Bath. After local police investigators were unable to resolve the matter, the problem was assigned Wynter and his associates. Ava Marsh and Seumas MacPhearson. They eventually determined that an ogre had taken up residence in the city's sewers. After tracing the ogre to his lair and using a barrel of opium-spiked beer, they were able to render him unconscious and bring him back to Fairweather. This was the first opportunity to closely examine an ogre in confinement. After questioning, it was learned that the ogre was not intentionally hostile and had accidentally arrived through an open temporary portal that closed behind him. His return to his home realm was arranged, which earned diplomatic credit from his people.

The Andorran Affair

The Andorran Affair is considered Most Secret.

The Canadian Incursion

Wynter was a participant in the Canadian Incursion.



As a result of his years in America, Wynter has a preference for American firearms, using a Winchester Model 1876 in .50-95 Winchester and a pair of Colt Double Action revolvers. He has persisted for years in trying to get the Service to adopt these weapons, pointing out that they were developed specifically to bring down large game.
Russel Wynter.jpg



Notible Features

  • Left side of face has severe scarring.
  • Left eye is missing, normally wears a black leather eyepatch.
  • Left arm is missing from shoulder.
  • Left leg is severely damaged; walks with the use of a cane.
  • Voice is raspy.







HMS AEIOU Investigations Section Chief

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